Th Sun entered Pisces in the tropical zodiac at 6.40pm GMT on 18 February 2010.
The Sun is closest to Aquarius around January 20 - February 18 each year. Mars is closest to Aquarius when it transits through the sign, which can vary each year, but generally occurs for a few weeks every couple of years. Mercury can be closest to Aquarius when it is in the sign or during its retrograde periods, which happen around 3-4 times a year and can last for about 3 weeks each time.
Since 2002, the Sun appears in the constellation Aquarius from 16 February - 11 March. In tropical astrology, the Sun is considered to be in the sign Aquarius from 20 January - 19 February
The Sun was in Aquarius on this date until 9.54 GMT. If born after this time the Sun is in Pisces.
In astrology, Aquarius usually begins on January 20th and ends on February 18th. However, there could possibly be slight versions relying on the astrological machine or interpretation you are following. Some structures would possibly reflect on the consideration of January 19 as the beginning date for Aquarius, specifically if they use the sidereal zodiac or different choice methods.
Mars has a fast moving and somewhat erratic orbit around the Sun. It is not consistently in any one sign at a given time of each year . It takes about a year and a half to make its revolution around the Sun ( meaning to get back to the same sign) so it could be in the sign Aquarius in any season of a year. Venus and Mercury for example are never too far away from the Sun's place in the Zodiac , so you could reasonably ask that question about those two planets. For example Venus in Aquarius would be in Aquarius anywhere between early winter and early spring; which is near the time that the Sun is also in Aquarius.
Aquarius is one of the constellations the Sun travels through on the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun "around" the Earth over a year.
Yes, Aquarius sun with Scorpio rising people tend to be very beautiful but they are also quite stubborn.
No one has two Sun signs, you can only have one Sun sign. In this case it's either Capricorn or Aquarius. If you know your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth an astrologer (myself included) will be able to create an accurate birth chart for you which will show which Sun sign you have. Capricorn is compatible with Taurus and Virgo, Aquarius is compatible with Gemini and Libra.
Example sentence - My brothers sun sign is Libra and mine is Aquarius.
Those born in September have the Sun in either Virgo or Libra. The Sun enters Aquarius tropically January 20 to February 18.
To the best of my knowledge no Sun sign can be considered to be a rare or the rarest Sun sign.