By circulation and by number of pages, the Houston Chronicle. See for their website. It bought out the Houston Post, its only daily competitor, back in the early 90's I believe. The only other Houston paper of note IMHO is the Houston Press (free alternative weekly).
It is the largest daily newspaper in Texas.
There are a lot of places in order for one to apply for a job with a Houston newspaper. However, it is strongly suggested that one should check out from the website Indeed.
The largest single copy of a newspaper was an edition of THE SUN measuring 9 feet. 10.5 in. on November 9,2005
What is the largest newspaper in Mexico City?
The name of the Sacramento newspaper is The Sacramento Bee.
The Yomiuri Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper, holds the title of the largest selling newspaper in the world. It has a daily circulation of over 9 million copies.
It is Houston.
Houston is the fourth largest US city.
Houston which ranks as the fourth largest US City by population.
Houston is the largest city in Harris County, Texas.