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A journalist writes and reports the stories for a newspaper, magazine, radio or TV station. Years ago, journalists were called "newsmen" or "members of the press" ("the press" was an older word for journalism). These days, there are both men and women reporters, so "newsman" is rarely used; and "the press" has been replaced by the term "the media." Today, journalists are often called reporters or correspondents.

A photojournalist takes the pictures that go along with the story. He or she goes out to cover the story along with the reporter, and takes whatever photos are appropriate to that story. Some of the most important and iconic images in US history have been provided by photojournalists.

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5mo ago

A journalist is a broad term that encompasses reporters, correspondents, and other professionals who gather and report news. A reporter is typically a journalist who focuses on gathering and writing news stories for a specific medium, such as newspapers or TV. A correspondent is a reporter who is assigned to cover a specific geographic area or topic for a news organization.

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11y ago

a reporter reporte event of the home city of newspaper while a correspondent report event outside the location of newspaper.

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8y ago

Its the same thing. They are a synonym for each other.

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Q: What is the difference between a reporter and a journalist and a correspondent?
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