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I've played professional mando and violin for the past 30 years in varoius tourist areas and feel I can give a little insight on professional pay scale as a player. The song writer part you'll have to ask another, but, make sure you copy write it. Anyway, as a player, don't cut yourself and everyone else in the business short by being too cheap and too anxious. Average pay can range from $100 to $350 per 3 hour gig as a side player Solo can be slightly higher depending on you location, notority and talent. As a side person, this hold true even into the big names, unless you are THE one BIG NAME. Remember, set up, hauling equipment, tuning, sound check, and travel is part of the pay not just when you are on stage. Also, charge for over time!! Don't think by playing hours overtime because the crowd loves you, that the establishment and all the staff that is held overtime is just as happy with you!! Watch out for the establishment freebeies like open mic nights and live free auditions! When asked to do a donation benifit it is a good cause and good exposure but, you should receive a check from the charity, then you should write a donation check back to them as YOUR donation then claim it on your taxes as a dedection. Donate any CD's to silent auctions as its a good place to get lots of exposure and once again a tax write off to legit charities. Touring is costly even tho everyone has to do it once just for the experience. Play for the love of the music. Learn and listen and don't get too big for your britches that you can't learn more.

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18y ago
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6mo ago

The average salary of a Hollywood writer can vary widely depending on experience, success, and the specific project. However, established writers can earn anywhere from $100,000 to several million dollars per script, with additional income possible from residuals, royalties, and bonuses. Entry-level writers or those just starting out might earn less, often working on a freelance or contract basis.

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7y ago

Authors don't get salaries, they get payed by each book they sell. The number of copies determines the amount the Author is paid. Also, the publisher and the Author agree on a percentage the Author gets of the money made selling the books.
Publishing is extremely competitive and difficult to break into as a first-time author. Most published authors don't make enough money to pay the bills, so you should probably have another career in mind as well. Writing should be a hobby, and if you do manage to get published, that's really just an added bonus for all your hard work. A lot of great writers never get published.

Authors usually get paid an advance, which is what the publisher pays you to purchase your book. I've heard it can be as little as $1000. It really just depends. After that, if your book sells enough copies to pay back that advance, printing/distribution costs, etc, you'll make a very small percentage of each book sale after that in royalties. Its really not a very lucrative career for most people, unless you have a best-seller like Harry Potter or something. Hope this helped!

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16y ago

Depends on who you consider "Hollywood writers."

For a good popular show, each writer receivers between 0.5 - 2 million per year (the show can have 20-40 writers!!!). Of course, in comparison to how much the star actor makes per episode (not year), or how much the producers make, this is nothing.

For someone just writing in Hollywood for a future in writing... they'd be lucky if they even have a job making 30 grand.

So it varies depending on talent + connection... I would say connection is more important than talent.

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