The Emmy Award-winning cartoon based on a newspaper editorial is "Arthur." The show is inspired by the "Arthur" book series written and illustrated by Marc Brown. The character of Arthur Read was originally featured in a 1976 editorial cartoon by Marc Brown's father, Alton Brown, which depicted a bespectacled aardvark.
Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus
The Mobile Register is Alabama's oldest newspaper, dating to 1813. In modern times, the newspaper has aggressively reported on environmental issues, twice winning the Meeman Award and the Bacardi Award for the nation's top environmental reporting. The paper won the 1999 ASNE Editorial Writing Award and was a Pulitzer finalist in editorial writing. info from
None of Pluto cartoons won the Academy award lend a paw is a Mickey Mouse cartoon. Itβs Mickeyβs only Academy award short.
Courage the Cowardly Dog was a cartoon show that aired on Cartoon Network from 1999 until 2002. It was based on an award-winning short.
The Daily Collegian is an award-winning, student-operated newspaper that is published independently at Pennsylvania State University. It features stories the school's newspaper and magazine.
The Award Winning Country Gentlemen was created in 1972.
no. i think only twilight was an award winning novel.
saan matatagpuan ang maria cristina falls
The Complete Nebula Award-Winning Fiction was created in 1986.
Katharine Hepburn is one of the award winning movie actress.