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The opposite of article is omission or subtraction.

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Q: What is opposite of article?
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What is an antonym for the?

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The editorial page is the page of a newspaper or a magazine where the editor, or someone on the editorial staff, writes something. And "opposite editorial page" is just that, a reference to where you can find another article.

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"The" is the definite article in English.Specifically, the word can be used to designate one or more than one object, person or thing. It is considered definite because it identifies someone or something specific. It therefore is the opposite of the indefinite articles "a" and "an" in the singular and "some" in the plural.

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I think its safe to say it does not. In fact this article says the opposite.

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No, they are the original basic framework for a new country that was deifying England and ready to wage war against their homeland. They would be the opposite of articles of surrender.

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You are a. Scanning the article

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Article 2 ll

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The opposite (antonym) of opposite is same.

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A type of article could be a news article, opinion piece, research article, or feature article. Each type serves a different purpose and conveys information in a specific way.

What does article mean in language arts?

an article is a article

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The is the definite article.

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