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Objectivity requires that a news story should be written so that it relates facts and events without biases, personal views, loaded terms and anything else that would appear to advocate a point of view. The story should be neutral and, if possible, present at least two sides of an issue.

Objectivity requires that news stories should be balanced. Several years ago, a local newspaper published a story about anabolic steroids. The reporter came off sounding like a PR man for the DEA. He quoted opponents of steroids many times but only once used a quotation by a Doctor Who believed that steroids were not as dangerous as many other drugs. The tone of the story was strongly anti-steroid and the writer made no attempt to present the issue dispassionately.

A single word, especially on controversial issues, can raise a reader's skepticism. For example, let's compare two sentences: " 'This legislation will provide enhanced protection for consumers,' Sen Smith said" and, "'This legislation will provide enhanced consumer protection,' Sen. Smith claimed." The difference between "said" and "claimed" is that "claimed" suggests that there is room for contradiction, so it must be used carefully.

There are so may subtle ways a writer slant a story that I'd have to assemble a huge list to tell you what they are. Having worked for more than 20 years as a newspaper copy editor, I've seen practically all of them. -- Gjampol

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6mo ago

Objective news refers to reporting that is unbiased, impartial, and based on facts without the influence of personal opinions or bias. Objective news aims to present information in a balanced and neutral way, allowing readers to form their own opinions based on the facts presented. It is essential for maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of journalism.

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