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In my opinion , it would be "grievances."

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Q: What is another word for complaints?
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Word for long list of complaints?


What is the plural of the word complain?

The plural of "complain" is "complaints."

Need a sentence with the word overdoing?

You're overdoing it with your complaints about the cat!

Is complaints a verb?

The word "complaints" is not a verb. It is a noun as it is a word that describes a thing or a conveyed thought. The word "complain", however, is a verb as it describes the action being undertaken. Did you know that English is considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn?

What is a good sentence for the word increase?

Victor finally increased my salary after a series of complaints.

How do you use the word together in a sentence?

I put the puzzle together. Together, we voiced our complaints to the principal.

Where can I find complaints against Metro PCS online?

You can find complaints against Metro PCS online at Another good site is Checking with the BBB is a goo dplace to start for any complaints that may have been formaly made. You can also check and

What are some side effects of jan marini?

Irritation and redness were the top complaints of users of this product. Sensitivity to the wind and the sun were also common complaints. Peeling was another complaint and among the most common.

What are the complaints against Timeshare Management and Vacation rentals Alburquerque NMex?

Everytime I heard or read the word timeshares what comes out on my mind is a nice log cabin or a beach house..I have no complaints against timeshare...

What is a sentence using the word ad hoc?

We formed an ad hoc committee to address the complaints about parking.

What government official investigates the complaints of citizens against government services?

The word you are looking for could be "Ombudsman".

What are the possible ramifications of failure to remedy complaints?

Failure to remedy complaints can lead to decreased customer satisfaction, loss of trust in the company, negative word-of-mouth, and potential legal action. It can also result in a damaged reputation and loss of business in the long term.