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If you are facing the sunrise, then south is to your right. The east is where the sun rises, which means south will be on your right side, west will be behind you, and north will be to your left.

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Q: What if you are facing the sunrise where is south?
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If you're watching the sunrise are you facing east or west?

If you're watching the sunrise, you are facing east. Sunrise occurs in the east as the sun rises in the morning and sets in the west in the evening.

What time will the sunrise from southbeach Miami?

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Why is south called south?

because it is near sunrise

Is north facing where the sunrise?

No, the sun in general rises in the east and sets in the west.

If you are facing south and east is?

If you are facing south, then east is to your left.

Will the east or west directions change depending on where you are facing?

No, the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) do not change based on which direction you are facing. East will always be to the right, and west will always be to the left, regardless of your orientation.

Where is sunrise if you are facing south?

To your right. That is correct, but how did you reason that out? Think of the compass. If you stand facing north, then east would be on your right and west would be on your left and you would be facing away from south. So, turn east toward the rising sun, now south is on your right, north is to your left and you are facing away from west. Same works for the setting sun (in the west). Face the setting sun, now north is on your right. Sounds complicated. The way I remember it is to put my right hand toward the rising sun. That way I am facing north--every time. Check it out with a compass.

If you are facing south which direction is to your left?

If you are facing south, then the east is to your left.

Why does aloe prefer to grow on a birth facing slope rather than on a south facing slope?

Aloe vera prefers to grow on slopes facing the sunrise because they generally receive more direct sunlight and heat, which is beneficial to the plant's healthy growth. Furthermore, slopes facing the sunrise tend to have better drainage, preventing the accumulation of water that could harm the aloe vera's roots.

What time is sunrise on March 23 2008 on the Eastern Coast?

Sunrise in South Carolina is 7:23 a.m.

When facing south which direction is to your right?

When facing south, west is to your right.

What year was A Sunrise on the veld written?

"A Sunrise on the Veld" was written in 1907 by South African author Doris Lessing.