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People depend on the news companies to report accurate news. News companies have the resources to throughly check out their sources for reliability and accuracy. For that reason, some would argue that they should be penalized for reporting inaccurate news. To these people, it is a matter of responsibility. Others may argue that there are times when they should not be penalized, such as if someone intentionally gives wrong information, but then again, the argument for responsibility and thoroughly checking out information and sources could be made on the side of penalizing them.

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3mo ago
  1. Freedom of the press is a fundamental democratic value that protects the right of news organizations to report information without fear of retribution, even if mistakes are made.
  2. Penalizing news companies for reporting inaccurate news could have a chilling effect on investigative journalism and lead to censorship or self-censorship, limiting the public's access to diverse perspectives and information.
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