The London Stock Exchange uses sterling, otherwise known as pounds
AT&T Inc.
Report the stockbroker to the SEC (securities and exchange commission)
There are 23 Stock Exchanges in India. Apart from the NSE and the BSE, the other stock exchanges are: * Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Association Ltd. * Bangalore Stock Exchange * Bhubaneshwar Stock Exchange Association. * Calcutta Stock Exchange * Cochin Stock Exchnage Ltd. * Coimbatore Stock Exchange * Delhi Stock Exchange Association * Guwahati Stock Exchange Ltd. * Hyderabad Stock Exchange Ltd. * Jaipur Stock Exchange Ltd * Kanara Stock Exchange Ltd * Ludhiana Stock Exchange Association Ltd * Madras Stock Exchange * Madhya Pradesh Stock Exchange Ltd. * Mangalore Stock Exchange Limited * Meerut Stock Exchange Ltd. * Mumbai Stock Exchange * National Stock Exchange India * OTC Exchange of India * Pune Stock Exchange Ltd. * Uttar pradesh Stock Exchange Association * Vado dara Stock Exchange Ltd.
AT&T Inc.
For some reason, two, the NSE and the BSE. NSE is the National Stock Exchange, BSE is the Bombay Stock Exchange. A Stock Exchange is the place where investors go to buy/sell their shares. You know what an Equity share is. Pls refer to Equity Sharesfor more details. Once a company's public offering is complete, it gets listed in a stock exchange. After listing it would be available for trading to all investors in the stock exachanges where they are listed. In India we have two major stock exchanges. They are: 1. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) & 2. The Bombay Stock Exchanges (BSE)
Ford Motor Company
The New York Stock Exchange uses MAR to represent the company that is named Marriott International, Incorporated. Marriott International is a hotel company.
Yes, there are many 'Stock Exchanges' in the world. e.g. Dow Jones (Wall Street), Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), London Stock Exchange (FTSE). There is pretty much a stock exchange in almost every country in the world.
The first stock exchange was the Philadelphia Stock Exchange in 1790.