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The word printed in bold in a dictionary is the headword, and the other words in the entry are related to it in terms of definitions, usage, or variations. The headword serves as a guide to the rest of the information provided in that entry.

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Q: The word printed in bold in a dictionary to which all other words in the entry are related?
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What is the difference between guide words and entry words?

Guide words are the first and last words on a dictionary page, helping users locate a word alphabetically. Entry words, on the other hand, are the main words listed in a dictionary with their definitions and other relevant information. Entry words are what users look up to find the definition of a word.

What part of a speech is shown on the dictionary entry for this word countenance?

The word "countenance" in a dictionary entry typically refers to the facial expression of a person. It may also include other meanings related to composure or support.

Is trust a guide word or entry word?

Trust is considered an entry word in dictionary organization, serving as the main word in the entry that provides definitions, pronunciations, and other information related to it. Guide words are typically found at the top of dictionary pages to help readers locate specific entries within the book.

What is the word listed in alphabetical order on a dictionary called?

The word listed in alphabetical order on a dictionary is called an "entry." This is the word that you use to locate the definitions, pronunciations, and other information about a specific word in the dictionary.

What is a head word in a dictionary?

A head word in a dictionary is the main word that a particular entry is organized under. It is the word that appears in bold at the beginning of an entry, followed by its definition and any other relevant information.

What are the bolded words called in a dictionary?

The bolded words in a dictionary are typically referred to as "headwords" or "entry words". These words are used to locate and access definitions, pronunciations, and other information in the dictionary.

What is dictionary entry?

A dictionary entry is a structured format used to present the definition, pronunciation, and other information about a word or phrase. It typically includes the word's part of speech, definition(s), examples of usage, synonyms, antonyms, and sometimes etymology.

Why is the word dictionary not there in dictionary?

This is because a dictionary typically contains words and their meanings, but it does not list itself as one of the words included. It serves as a reference guide for other words rather than being an entry itself.

Is a definition in a dictionary also known as a compendium?

A definition in a dictionary wouldn't be a compendium. It would be an entry. The dictionary itself might qualify as a compendium, as it has all the words in the language (most of them, anyway), and a brief definition of each. Some other information is also provided with each entry, like the usage of the word (part of speech: verb, noun, etc.), how it's pronounced, and a bit more.

Can you define the word word?

"Word" has a large set of very rich meanings documented in numerous other sources. A volunteer contributor's attempt at defining it would seem redundant and futile, so see the related Merriam Webster Dictionary entry, particularly definitions 2a and 2b. See also the related Wikipedia article.

How do you use dictionary on a work cited page?

To cite a dictionary entry in a work cited page in APA format, include the entry title, publication year, dictionary title, publisher, and URL (if online). For MLA format, include the entry title, dictionary title, publication year, publisher, and URL (if online). Make sure to follow the specific citation style guidelines for accurate formatting and punctuation.

What does etymology tells you in a dictionary entry?

Etymology in a dictionary entry provides information about the origin and historical development of a word, including its roots in other languages or older forms of the word. It helps readers understand how a word has evolved in meaning and form over time. This can provide insights into the cultural and historical contexts in which the word originated.