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no, it is not a primary source of information(usually for market research) as primary reserch involves actually talking to existing or potential customers to obtain information,it is called field research.magazine articles are a secondary source as information was obtaines by someone else.this form of research is called desk research.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes and no. Though widely debated, a newspaper is both a primary source and a secondary source since it contains firsthand information, but was written later by an individual who was not at the scene.


Actually, it could be. If the newspaper author was at the scene of the event then it is a primary source. You can know that by if it says the author was at the scene within the article.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Both, but mostly a primary source. It is a primary source because the reporters interview people and write the stories. Now some newspapers also contain articles compiled from primary sources or pulled off the news wire.

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

No, encyclopedia articles are considered secondary sources because they compile and summarize information from various primary sources.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

an newspaper article will be an secondary source

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Is an encyclopedia a primary source?

No, an encyclopedia is a secondary source.

Is an encyclopedia a primary?

No, an encyclopedia is a secondary source.

Is a encyclopedia a primary or secondary source?

I believe that a encyclopedia is a secondary source, because the person who wrote it most likely didn't witness every single event in it. __--FROM GENIUS--__

Is a encyclopedia a primary source?

Generally no. A primary source is firsthand experience. As in, someone who was there, saw what happened, etc. Encyclopedias are secondary sources.

Can an encyclopedia be a primary source?

No, an encyclopedia is considered a secondary source because it compiles information from various primary sources. It provides an overview or summary of topics based on existing research and knowledge.

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Encyclopedia articles often include a bibliography that offers a list of

What an example of an secondary source?

an example of a secondary source is a history/textbookbook, websites, reviews, encyclopedia, dictionary.annotations or commentaries on primary sources such as cases or legislators.

What is enclycopedia?

An encyclopedia is a source of information, usually about a very wide variety of topics. An encyclopedia consists of articles, each on one of the topics. The articles are assigned titles intended to reflect the subjects and contents of the articles. The articles are arranged in the encyclopedia alphabetically by title. Within an encyclopedia any article can refer to another to provide further information about a place, person or thing mentioned in the article. Traditionally encyclopedias were offered in book form; now they are also available on the Internet. One excellent example is wikipedia for which a link is given below.

What is an example of a primary source A. A history bookB. An encyclopedia articleC. A recording of a speechD. A dictionary entry?

C. A recording of a speech

What is a secondery primary source?

A secondary primary source is a document or source that is created based on primary sources. It provides analysis, interpretation, or commentary on primary sources rather than direct information or data. Examples include textbooks, scholarly articles, or documentaries that discuss or analyze primary sources.

What is an example of secondary?

an example of a secondary source is a history/textbookbook, websites, reviews, encyclopedia, dictionary.annotations or commentaries on primary sources such as cases or legislators.

Who wrote the encyclopedia on natural history discussed meterology geology botany zoology and astronomy?

In many encyclopedias, the names of the primary authors are listed in the articles. However, all encyclopedias are collaborative projects, and as years go by and new information is discovered, the articles are revised. The editorial staff of the encyclopedia is responsible for keeping the articles current and at least somewhat coherent. Comment: This question may be referring to the writings of Aristotle.