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Selling your writing is a matter of putting it out there and letting editors and agents read it. One excellent way to get their attention is to write a great query letter. Basically, a query letter is a way of telling them who you are, what you have written, and why they want to read it.

Here are some specific tips to help you write that letter:

  • Be sure that you have the name and address of the editor, publisher, or agent written and spelled correctly.
  • Do enough research to send your work to the correct publisher or editor, and show that you are professional enough to have looked up their name and title.
  • Be sure to include your own name and address, just as you do with any formal letter. Include an email address or website if you have one.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Condense your information down to a page (page and a half max) and include only the most interesting facts.
  • Keep it professional. A query letter is not the time to try to be "cute" or to include artsy-fartsy "hooks" to get an editor's interest. This is a professional business letter, and if you cannot be professional, they are not going to want to work with you.
  • Remember your SASE - that's Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope!

Standard Format

Paragraph 1: tell them your name and the title of your book; give the word count if completed or the expected word count if you are still working on it; tell what category the book belongs in and what sort of reader you are aiming for.

Paragraph 2: write the most concise summary of your book that you possibly can. Pretend you are writing a TV commercial and keep it short and sweet. What is the book about? Why are the characters new and interesting? Why will the readers want to finish the book? What unique aspects does this book have that makes it different from others on the market? Remember the basic fiction formula:characters + problem = conflictconflict + action = resolution + change- Gail Eastwood Paragraph 3: tell them about your writing experience. If you have never published anything, don't lie - instead, tell them what experience you have had that will help you as a writer. If you are published, give details. List any professional affiliations you have. Tell about expertise or training you have had that helped you to write this book.

Paragraph 4: thank them for taking the time to read your work! There are too many aspiring authors who seem to think that they are entitled to fame and fortune - you will stand out if you write a professional and courteous letter. You may politely say something along the lines of "I hope to hear from you soon," but don't make any demands or give ultimatums.

Absolute No-No's I love going to panel discussions at writing conventions where the editors and publishers and agents talk about the Worst Submission Evah!

The things some aspiring writers think is going to get them the attention they want ...!

Here are some things never to do:

  • Never skip the spell-check. Make sure your letter is totally professional, with correct spelling and grammar.
  • Never send work to the wrong place. Do some research and be sure that the editor or publisher or agent handles the sort of work you have written.
  • Never tease the editor. Don't leave out important facts under the mistaken idea that it will entice the editor to write back to ask you what happens next. They won't.
  • Never get cute. Don't pack your Horror manuscript in a box full of plastic Spiders. Don't cut your manuscript out into a cute shape. Don't include a bribe (one publisher located in Georgia, USA reports that a chocolate bar shipped over the summertime when average temperatures reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit is not a pretty sight).
  • Don't write in some fancy font that is hard to read.
  • Never give a sales pitch. This is not the time to channel Ron Popeil and tell them why they need to buy your book ... now! Let the writing speak for itself.
  • Never ramble. They do not want to read about your life, your children, your hopes and dreams, your angst. Tell them about the book, and about why you are the best person to write that book ... period.
  • Never get aggressive. You are selling a product. You don't sell products by calling names, telling them that you know they won't buy it, saying you hated the last thing they published, or telling them how "mean" they are.
  • Never curse. Do not use unprofessional language of any sort, especially obscenities.
  • Never whine. Don't tell them how long you have been working on this story. Don't tell them who has rejected it in the past. Don't tell them how hard it has been to write it. Don't tell them it still needs more work. Don't tell them how thrilling it would be to be published. Never tell them about your friends and relatives who "loved" the work. Don't mention all the "little people" who helped you out.
  • Never give out personal information such as your social security number.
  • Never discuss payment, copyrights, or ideas for other stories - those come after you have sold the work.
  • Don't mention what specific rights you are selling.
  • Never bother the editor. If you have been rejected, don't keep sending the same work to them over and over.
  • Never make extra requests. Don't ask them to write back and critique your work. Don't ask for comments. Don't ask for advice. Don't ask for suggestions.
  • Never be brash.
  • Don't include any inappropriate or off-colour information about yourself. Don't give them the link to your embarrassing YouTube video. Don't mention your bust size. Don't include colour photos of yourself in sexy positions. Don't talk about your "escapades."
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6mo ago

To write a response letter to a query letter, begin by thanking the sender for their inquiry. Address any specific points or questions raised in the query and provide relevant information or answers. Conclude by expressing appreciation for their interest and leaving the door open for further communication.

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11y ago

First, a query is a question. In a letter, it could be a series of questions. So, to write a letter in response to a query letter, answer the question(s). You might also copy the format of that letter in yours as much as possible.

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Yes, you can have a query inside a query. That is known as a sub-query.

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Tutorials on writing queries can be found in a number of places depending on what type of query you would like to write. For example, if you would like to write a query letter to a literary agent, you can find excellent advice at Absolute Write. You can also visit your local library and purchase books on how to write query letters.

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Your best bet is to write your screenplay and then write a query letter to the show's producers. Tell them what your screenplay is about - and let them know you've actually finiished writing it - and see what they think.

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The results are not saved, but the query can be. If the query has been saved, then it can be run at any time to retrieve the data. So it is not necessary to save the data itself. You can write queries that will select data and write it to a new table, in which case the results are being saved.

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Reasons to write a business letter:To make a inquiry or requestTo respond to an inquiry or requestTo send informationTo notifyTo document a fact or transactionIf you have none of these reasons, then you should not write a business letter. Whenever it is possible its best not to write a business letter because they require time and personnel, which is an expense.

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Salary is not an expense. -Please re-write so it makes a logical query.