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A source may be considered reliable if published by a national association, a scholar or scholarly publication, or a library (local, regional or national), to give three examples of reliability.

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3mo ago

Check the credibility of the source by looking at the author's credentials, the publication's reputation, and any potential biases. Verify information by cross-referencing with other reputable sources. Consider if the article uses reliable data and provides proper citations to back up its claims.

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12y ago

The accuracy of an article is dependent on the contents of the article. Reports by non-knowledgable persons such as news broadcasters is often filled with mistakes due to their lack of knowledge.

In order to determine the validity of an article, one must trace the source of the article back to the orignial publisher and examine their credentials.

For instance, if an article on the sun is published by NASA the article is trustworthy, as they are considered an authority on astrophysics. If the article originates at the blog of one John Everyman, who is a professional ditch digger, the article may be subject to skepticism.

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6y ago

To be reliable, an article from an internet source requires

  1. a clear attribution of an author or authors' names, OR the names of Editor(s)
  2. a reputable professional journal (Hint: use Google Scholar)
  3. or a copy of an original short story, for example, "The Gift of the Magi"
  4. publication date (may need to look for it, or research it)
  5. the publisher's name; you will likely need to look for the city where it was published
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