All animals have one life. Cats having nine lives stems from various folklore and old wives' tales; to believe that any animal has more than one life would be folly.
The closest thing to an animal having more than one life is the common sponge; when ripped apart, blended, etcetera (even with other sponges!) they will always seperate and reform back into their original spongy goodness. Unless the various parts are placed away from eachother in various containers, of course, but we're getting beyond the point here.
In short, no, no animal has more than nine lives because no animal has more than one life.
There are not any animals that have more than two ears. The ears of animals help them to hear things, especially predators.
It depends on the rainforest. Rainforests contain a much greater number of species than any other area on Earth. They are home to more than half of the world's animals and over 30 million plant species.
im not sure but alot of ANIMAL lives are lost due to this. it harms the animals a lot more as they are smaller and more 'fragile'
Not any
water crisis
no, a camel lives in a desert
cats are said to have 9 (lives) if you mean years a giant tortoise and lobsters live more than other life forms
There are more insects than any other animal on Earth.
Any animal that lives in a group or herd is communal.
I don't think that there are any animals in the River Tay - only fish.
No animal has more than one life. The old saying about cats is a myth to explain the fact that cats often seem to be able to survive things that would seriously injure or kill other animals.
it took more lives than any other war.