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Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to [] Well I am not sure but you can log on to []

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3mo ago

Yes, Harper Collins is a publishing company that still publishes books. The acquisition editor's contact information can typically be found on the publisher's website under the contact or submissions section. It's also recommended to network with industry professionals or attend writing/publishing events to connect with editors.

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Q: Does Harper Collins Publisher still publish books or do they just sell books And if so who is the Aquisition Editor and how do I reach that person?
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The best way is to submit it to either a literary agent or a publisher. If it's good enough, they'll help you edit it to make it perfect. One note - don't pay an agent or a publisher. If your writing is good enough to sell, you don't need to pay to publish it.

What makes someone qualified to publish?

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