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Titles of books, magazines and newspapers should be italicized or underlined.

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9mo ago

In AP style, newspaper and magazine titles should be italicized. In MLA style, newspaper and magazine titles should be italicized as well.

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12y ago

The titles of newspapers and magazines should be italicized.

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How do you punctuate book titles?

Underline or italicize -saf

Do you underline video titles?

You need to underline or italicize video game titles. Short stories and song titles need to be put in quotation marks.

Do you underline a title of a booklet?

Titles of anothologies should be treated in the same way as the titles of other books, so underline or italicize, depending on what is expected at your school or college.

Do you put quotations around novels?

Whenever possible, italicize novel titles. Otherwise, underline them.

Do you underline or italicize the title in a personal narrative piece?

Qutation marks for essays, short stories, poems, movies underline for book titles

Do you underline the title of a book you are doing a project on?

Book titles are always underlined. On the computer though, you can italicize it.

Do you underline italicize or use quotations for the title of a journal article?

Quotations for article titles. Italics and underlining are for full books - and the titles of journals.

What do you do to magazine titles?

I am pretty sure you underline them, also like books.

Do you have to underline newspaper article titles when summarizing them?

No, you do not have to underline newspaper article titles when summarizing them. Instead, you can use quotation marks or simply capitalize the title for clarity.

Do your underline novel titles in essays?

If you're typing the essay out, then you italicize it and nothing else. But if you're hand-writing the essay, then you underline it. In either case, do not use quotation marks.

Do you quote the titles of video games?

The easy way to remember what to underline/italicize is that if you can pick it up/carry it (book, magazine, game, video game) you underline/italicize it. If it is something inside something else (poem, magazine article, journal article, short story), you put it in quotes.