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The number is 6,022140857.10e23.

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Q: Who will have the greater number of ions 1 mole of nickel or 1 mole of copper?
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What gets reduced in an electrolytic cell made with nickel and copper?


What gets oxidized in a electrolytic cell made with Nickel and copper electrodes?

In an electrolytic cell with nickel and copper electrodes, nickel at the anode gets oxidized, losing electrons to form nickel ions. The copper electrode at the cathode gains electrons and gets reduced, forming copper metal. This process allows for the transfer of nickel ions from the anode to the cathode.

What gets reduced in an electrolytic cell with nickel and copper electrodes?


What would the cathode be in a nickel and copper electrolyte cell?


What would be the cathode be in a nickel and copper?


What would the cathode be in a nickel and copper electrolytic?


What is the number of ions in Cu2O?

In copper(I) oxide (Cu2O), there are two copper ions (Cu+) and one oxygen ion (O2-), resulting in a total of three ions in the compound.

What ions are in copper phosphate?

Copper phosphate typically contains copper ions (Cu2+) and phosphate ions (PO43-).

What elements are in copper carbide?

Copper carbide is a salt. As the element implies, the ions present are copper ions and carbide ions. Carbide ions are made of carbon atoms.

Are Ions copper?

Yes, copper ions are ions of the element copper. They are positively charged particles formed when a neutral copper atom loses one or more electrons.

What solutions have a greater number of hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions?

Solutions with a pH greater than 7 have a greater number of hydroxide ions (OH-) than hydrogen ions (H+). This indicates that the solution is basic or alkaline.

What happens when copper and chlorine ions are combined together?

When copper and chlorine ions are combined, copper chloride is formed. The copper ions (Cu²⁺) will combine with chlorine ions (Cl⁻) to form copper chloride (CuCl₂), a white solid compound.