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The highest barometric pressure ever recorded on Earth was 32.01 inches, measured in Agata, U.S.S.R., on December 31, 1968. Agata is located in northern Siberia. The weather was clear and very cold at the time, with temperatures between -40° and -58°.

(Answered by Doyle Rice, USA TODAY's weather editor, January 24, 2007)


In modern scientific units (hectoPascals), as used by almost every Meteorological office in the world, and including the WMO, the above would be 1084 hPa. According to Wikipedia, the highest recorded atmospheric pressure, 1085.7 hPa occurred at Tonsontsengel, Mongolia, 19th December 2001. The hPa is used in meteorology instead of the kPa as it's identical to the older unit the millibar.

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11y ago

It was recorded in Tonsontsengel, Mongolia in 2001. My proof? Wajas.

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7y ago

It is believed to be 5.5 trillion deg C, attained by the Large Hadron Collider in CERN.

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1088 hPa

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What causes barometric pressure?

Barometric pressure is caused by the weight of the air pushing down on the Earth's surface. It is influenced by factors such as temperature, altitude, and weather patterns. Changes in barometric pressure can indicate changes in weather conditions.

How does the atmosphere change the earth?

Barometric pressure,humidity,and temperature.

What is highest and lowest measuring pressure?

The highest measured atmospheric pressure on Earth was 1,083.8 hPa recorded in Siberia. The lowest measured atmospheric pressure was 870 hPa during Typhoon Tip in 1979.

What causes increases in barometric pressures?

Increases in barometric pressure are usually caused by the sinking of air masses or high-pressure systems in the atmosphere. These high-pressure systems bring more air molecules closer to the Earth's surface, resulting in an increase in pressure. Additionally, changes in wind patterns and weather systems can also lead to temporary increases in barometric pressure.

What kind of pressure do the layers surrounding earth exert?

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Jupiter does not have a solid surface, so it does not have a well-defined surface pressure like Earth. However, scientists estimate that the pressure at Jupiter's center is millions of times greater than Earth's surface pressure.

Why is there no barometric pressure on the moon?

The moon is much smaller than the Earth and has a weaker gravitational field. As a result, gas on the lunar surface leaks away into space, rather than forming an atmosphere. And with no atmosphere, there can be no barometric pressure.

What layer is the pressure the highest?

The troposphere is the layer of the earth's atmosphere with the highest air pressure.

What layer is the atmosphere pressure highest?

The atmospheric pressure is highest at the Troposphere, which is the layer closest to the Earth's surface. Within the Troposphere, pressure decreases with altitude.

What is the atmospheric pressure on a pie chart?

The same as the atmospheric pressure on anything else on the surface of the earth.

What the average barometric pressure on Venus?

The atmospheric pressure at Venus's surface is 92 times that of the Earth's surface. So that's 92.92 x 105 Pa