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pH (lower case "p") is the negative logrithm (to the power 10) of the hydrogen ion concentration in an aqueous solution. pH ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, lower values acidic, and higher values basic (or alkaline).

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12y ago
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14y ago

pure distilled water is neutral but tap water may be acidic or basic according to the nature of impurities in it

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14y ago

pH is not a substance it is a measurement of ions in water.

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12y ago

pH full meneing

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15y ago

7, or neutral.

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7y ago

Fresh ultrapure water has a pH=7.

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Why DO you add KCl in dm water for measurement of pH?

Potassium chloride (KCl) is often added to distilled water to create a standard reference solution for pH measurements, known as a "buffer solution." This helps stabilize the pH of the solution and maintain its pH value when acids or bases are added. This ensures that the pH reading is accurate and reliable.

Why is pH important in science?

It is a precise measurement tool for determining how acidic (pH 0) to alkaline (pH 14) a solution of a chemical dissolved in water is.

How can I test the pH of my tap water?

You can test the pH of your tap water using a pH test strip or a pH meter. Simply dip the test strip into the water and compare the color to the provided chart, or insert the pH meter probe into the water to get a digital reading. This will give you an accurate measurement of the pH level in your tap water.

Does adding water change the pH of a base?

Yes, adding water to a base will dilute the solution, which can affect the pH. The pH of a basic solution may increase or decrease depending on the concentration of the base and the amount of water added.

What is water pH balance?

Water pH balance refers to the measurement of how acidic or alkaline water is. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, with values lower than 7 indicating acidity and values higher than 7 indicating alkalinity. Maintaining a balanced pH in water is important for aquatic life and human consumption.

What is the measurement called when measuring acid?

The measurement of acidity is called pH. It is a scale that measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, with lower pH values indicating higher acidity and higher pH values indicating lower acidity.

What substance on the pH scale is neutral and how do you know?

A substance with a pH of 7 is considered neutral on the pH scale. This means that it is neither acidic nor basic. A neutral pH indicates a balanced concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in the substance.

Can an indicator provide an exact pH?

No, an indicator can only provide an approximate pH value based on a color change. It is not precise enough to give an exact pH measurement. For accurate pH measurement, a pH meter or pH probe should be used.

How would you use an indicator to find out if a solution is acidic-basic or neutral?

look at the pH level. If the pH is from 0 to 7, it is acidic. If it is exactly 7, that means it is water and it is neutral. 7 to 14 is basic.

Why cant the pH of aluminium oxide be measured?

Aluminum oxide is insoluble in water, so it does not produce an aqueous solution for pH measurement. Since pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, it cannot be directly measured in the case of aluminum oxide.

Is the pH a quantitive observation?

When the pH is measured with a calibrated instrument it is a quantitative measurement.

What is the pH of gasoline?

The pH of gasoline is typically around 6.7, which is slightly acidic. However, it is not recommended to measure the pH of gasoline using a standard pH meter because it is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and other compounds that can affect the accuracy of the measurement.