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Q: What is the kwh cost in the NIPSCO area?
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How do you work out total cost of 35kwh to cost per kwh?

To calculate the cost per kWh given 35 kWh of usage and the total cost, divide the total cost by the number of kWh. For example, if the total cost is $70 for 35 kWh, the cost per kWh would be $70 / 35 kWh = $2 per kWh.

How much does it cost to use a 9 kwh shower for half an hour?

To calculate the cost, you need to know the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) from your utility provider. Multiply the kWh of the shower unit (9 kWh) by the duration (0.5 hours) to get the total energy used. Then multiply this by the cost per kWh to get the total cost.

How many natural gas customers does NIPSCO have?

NIPSCO, which stands for Northern Indiana Public Service Company, serves approximately 821,000 natural gas customers in northern Indiana.

What is the cost of operating a 3.00 W electric clock for a year if the cost of electricity is .09 kWh?

To calculate the cost of operating the electric clock for a year, first convert the power rating to kWh: 3.00 W = 0.003 kW. Then calculate the total energy consumed in a year: 0.003 kW * 24 hours/day * 365 days = 26.28 kWh. Finally, multiply the total energy consumed by the cost per kWh: 26.28 kWh * $0.09/kWh = $2.36 for operating the electric clock for a year.

How much would it cost to run a 15 watt bulb non-stop for one year?

To calculate the cost of running a 15 watt bulb non-stop for a year, you first need to determine the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in your area. Once you have that information, you can use the formula (Wattage/1000) x Hours Used x Days in a Year x Cost per kWh to find the annual cost. If the cost of electricity is $0.12 per kWh, running a 15 watt bulb non-stop for a year would cost approximately $15.79.

Related questions

How much does coal cost per kwh?

Coal cost about $o.o54 cents per kwh

If the meter on the power box reads 407khw how does that cost?

Multiply the figure by your cost per kwh. The kwh cost is available from your local power company or utility. For instance, if a kwh was priced at 7.6 cents/kwh, then the total cost would be a bit over $30.

What is the cost of KWH at 0.1029?

The cost of a kWh is 0.1029 or 10 and a third cents for every hour that you use.

How many natural gas customers does NIPSCO have?

NIPSCO, which stands for Northern Indiana Public Service Company, serves approximately 821,000 natural gas customers in northern Indiana.

How much does solar energy power cost per kWh?

The energy cost depends on the size of the system. Large concentrated systems cost $0.10-$0.15 per kWh. Medium and small scale systems can cost from $0.25-$0.50 per kWh, when averaged.

How much does a kWh of electricity cost in San Diego CA?

$0.08 / Kwh for avg residential

What is the cost per Kwh for industrial use in North Haven Connecticut?

$14.00 + 14.300c is the cost per kwh in North Haven Connecticut

How do you find the cost per kilowatt per hour?

Find the consumption of power in kwh for a given period. Find the corresponding cost. Divide cost by the total kwh. Most energy companies indicate the average kwh cost incurred for a given month in their monthly statements.

How much electricity does it cost to listen to a radio for 30 mins?

It costs [ 0.0005 x (power in watts used by the radio) x (cost of 1 KWh in your area) ]

How much would it cost to run a 15 watt bulb non-stop for one year?

To calculate the cost of running a 15 watt bulb non-stop for a year, you first need to determine the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in your area. Once you have that information, you can use the formula (Wattage/1000) x Hours Used x Days in a Year x Cost per kWh to find the annual cost. If the cost of electricity is $0.12 per kWh, running a 15 watt bulb non-stop for a year would cost approximately $15.79.

How much does the average kWh of energy cost?


How much does it cost us to use 40w power per hour?

To calculate the cost of using a 40-watt power device per hour, you need to know the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) from your utility company. You can then convert the watts to kilowatts (40 watts is 0.04 kW) and multiply that by the number of hours used to find the kWh consumed. Finally, multiply the kWh consumed by the cost per kWh to determine the total cost.