Dangerously high or steep.
Closely spaced contour lines mean that the slope is steep.
Bright; glittering; fiery., To soak in a liquid; to macerate; to extract the essence of by soaking; as, to soften seed by steeping it in water. Often used figuratively., To undergo the process of soaking in a liquid; as, the tea is steeping., Something steeped, or used in steeping; a fertilizing liquid to hasten the germination of seeds., A rennet bag., Making a large angle with the plane of the horizon; ascending or descending rapidly with respect to a horizontal line or a level; precipitous; as, a steep hill or mountain; a steep roof; a steep ascent; a steep declivity; a steep barometric gradient., Difficult of access; not easy reached; lofty; elevated; high., Excessive; as, a steep price., A precipitous place, hill, mountain, rock, or ascent; any elevated object sloping with a large angle to the plane of the horizon; a precipice.
A deep valley with steep sides would be called a gorge or canyon.
A steep gradient will force the water to flow downhill faster.
Steep is not a verb, it's an adjective. Steep (as an adj.) means deep. Steep can be used as a verb. It means to saturate or drench in something.
Dangerously high or steep.
Of mountains.Highcountry or terrain that is steep and rugged.
To be more steep. We say "a steep slope" meaning the slope rises at a sharp angle, that is difficult to climb. A wall is steep because it goes straight up.
A scarp is a very steep hill or bank. It can also mean to form a hill or bank so that it becomes steep.
Steep means slanted upward or downward sharply, like the line / has a steep increasing vertical angle. See?
Cremnophobia - fear of precipices, steep cliffs
a medium elevation of a steep slope
Drop off ?
Steep has a couple of definitions. A hill is steep when it has a pronounced incline. Steep also means to soak in liquid to extract flavor or to soften. When we steep tea in a tea pot, we take the infusor, which is full of the tea leaves, and put it into the hot water. It will steep there for several minutes to permit the water to extract the flavor from the tea so we may drink it.
Closely spaced contour lines mean that the slope is steep.
it means at a very sharp angle or relating to a mountain side