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Insulin is a hormone that is central to regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin causes cells in the liver,muscle, and fat tissue to take up glucose from the blood, storing it as glycogen in the liver and muscle.

Insulin stops the use of fat as an energy source by inhibiting the release of glucagon. When insulin is absent, glucose is not taken up by body cells and the body begins to use fat as an energy source or gluconeogenesis; for example, by transfer of lipids fromadipose tissue to the liver for mobilization as an energy source. As its level is a central metabolic control mechanism, its status is also used as a control signal to other body systems (such as amino acid uptake by body cells). In addition, it has several otheranabolic effects throughout the body.

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13y ago
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15y ago

It acts as a key to unlock a cell so glucose may enter. Once the glucose has entered it then goes through a process called glycolysis where the carbon atoms are turned into pyruvates that can be used to create energy by cellular respiration. It increases the rate of cellular respiration.

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9y ago

Insulin helps control and maintain the level of glucose in the blood. Glucose is important for cellular respiration. If insulin isn't present and the blood sugar isn't maintained, cellular respiration will be negatively affected.

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11y ago

insulin increases blood glucose level.

If the insulin is lacked in the body the glucose is not their for the cellular respiration. As a result the cellular respiration will be in inefficient level and person may not be able to survive.

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14y ago

The enzyme that aids in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA requires vitamin B1, also called thiamine. Thiamine is not made in the human body and must be taken in in foods.

How would a deficiency of thiamine in cells affect cellular respiration?

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12y ago

You could'nt breath anymore.and ytou would die within soon you \prooly would dround............................................

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Q: How would glucose shortage be affected by cellular respiration?
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What is the specific cellular process that would be affected by a glucose shortage?

Glycolysis, the process by which glucose is broken down to produce energy in the form of ATP, would be directly affected by a glucose shortage. Without enough glucose, cells would not be able to efficiently generate energy, impacting many essential cellular functions.

Cellular respiration does what to glucose?

Cellular respiration breaks down glucose in order to make energy (ATP).

Why does cellular respiration depend on photosynthesis?

Cellular respiration needs glucose. Glucose is produced by photosynthesis

Is starch used in cellular respiration?

can be changed into glucose and used in cellular respiration.

Where does glucose an oxygen come for to react in cellular respiration?

Glucose and oxygen enter a cell's cytoplasm for aerobic cellular respiration.

When is cellular respiration?

cellular respiration is preformed when the cells need to obtain energy from glucose.

What is aerobic in cellular respiration?


What is produced by cellular respiration?


What happens to the carbons in glucose as they pass through cellular respiration?

Carbons in glucose are oxidized into carbon dioxide during cellular respiration. This oxidation process releases energy that is used to produce ATP. ATP is the main energy currency of cells and is essential for powering various cellular processes.

Does cellular respiration release glucose?

Yes - glucose is broken down in the first step of cellular respiration. This stage is known as glycolysis and occurs in the cytoplasm. Cellular respiration begins with glucose and ends creating ATP.

What molecule does cellular respiration start with?

Cellular respiration starts with the molecule glucose, which is broken down in a series of metabolic reactions to generate energy in the form of ATP.

What molecule loses electronic in cellular respiration?
