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yes, comets travel around the solar system :l

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Q: Do comets go near Pluto
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What is the comet belt outside of Pluto's orbit called?

There are some comets near Pluto, amongst the bodies in the "Kuiper Belt". However, I think the answer to this question is the "Oort cloud" of comets, far beyond the orbit of Pluto.

Begins near Pluto's orbit?

Pluto's orbit is near the beginning of the Kuiper belt.

What comet passes by Pluto?

Pluto is at the inner edge of the Kuiper belt, which is similar to the asteroid belt but with comets instead of asteroids. Therefore, millions of comets pass by Pluto.

What is the name of the cloud with frozen comets that is by Pluto?

The cloud of frozen comets that surrounds Pluto is called the Kuiper Belt.

Where do you find comets in the solar system?

comets can be found in the oort cloud to the south of Pluto

What different types of comets are there?

yes its pluto and mars

Is there anything past Pluto?

Yes. Pluto is at the inner edge of the Kuiper belt, which contains millions of comets and a number of Pluto-like objects.

Where did Pluto come from?

Pluto is at least 1 million years old according to scientists

can an asteroid comet or meteor hit Pluto?

Yes, any large object in the solar system can be hit by asteroids or comets. Pluto is located in the Kuiper Belt, a vast field of comets, so collisions with comets are probably not uncommon for the dwarf planet.

What two comets did Clyde tombaugh discover?

Tombaugh was credited with discovering hundreds of asteroids, as well as Pluto in 1930, but no comets.

Can Pluto be a comet?

Pluto is a dwarf planet. It could be an asteroid, or it could be a moon that escaped the orbit of Neptune. It could Not be a comet. Comets are chunks of frozen ice that travel in orbit around the sun, and as they near the sun, parts of the comet melt and leave a trail of melted water in their wake. Pluto never gets near the sun to melt. Pluto never gets nearer the sun than the orbit of Neptune.

Could Pluto be destroyed by a comet?

No, Pluto is too large to be destroyed by a comet. The comet would just hit and leave a crater on Pluto's surface. Also, comets move quickly when they're close to the sun and slow down a lot when they're in the outer solar system near Pluto. So, any comet that hits Pluto would be moving pretty slowly.