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It needs to be in both parents bloodline in order for a baby to have red hair.

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1mo ago

No, the gene for red hair can be inherited from both parents, as it is a recessive trait. If both parents carry the gene for red hair, there is a possibility that their children can inherit red hair regardless of gender.

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Is it possible to have a blond baby if both mom and dad have brown hair?

Yes, it is possible if both parents carry a recessive blond hair gene that can be passed on to their child. Each parent contributes one gene for hair color, and if they both carry a recessive gene for blond hair, there is a chance that their child could have blond hair.

If Patrick has red hair and his parents have brown hair Patrick's trait must be?

Patrick's trait for red hair is likely a result of a recessive gene from both parents, meaning that both parents would need to carry the gene for red hair even if they have brown hair. This would allow the gene for red hair to be passed on to Patrick, resulting in his red hair.

What gene determine a man's hair?

The gene that determines a man's hair is on the x chromosome.

If a baby goat received dominant gene for curly hair from one parent and recessive gene for straight hair from the other which trait will the baby goat display?

The baby goat is likely to display the dominant trait for curly hair, as the dominant gene overrides the recessive gene. Therefore, the baby goat will have curly hair.

Why does a child have red hair when both parents have brown and no history of red hair in family?

Red hair is a recessive genetic trait, meaning that both parents can carry the gene for red hair without expressing it themselves. If both parents carry the gene, there is a chance that their child may inherit those genes and express red hair. This can happen even if there is no recent history of red hair in the family, as the gene can be passed down through multiple generations without being expressed.

Related questions

If your mom has reddish brown hair and your dad has black hair and you have black hair do you carry the recessive gene of reddish brown hair?

Yes, you may carry the recessive gene for reddish brown hair, as hair color is determined by a combination of genetic factors. Your black hair indicates that the black hair gene from your father is dominant, but you may still have inherited the reddish brown gene from your mother, which can be passed on to future generations.

Are you more likely to have blond hair or brown hair?

You are more likely to have brown hair because the brown hair gene is a dominant gene, and not the blond hair gene.

Is it possible to have a blond baby if both mom and dad have brown hair?

Yes, it is possible if both parents carry a recessive blond hair gene that can be passed on to their child. Each parent contributes one gene for hair color, and if they both carry a recessive gene for blond hair, there is a chance that their child could have blond hair.

If Patrick has red hair and his parents have brown hair Patrick's trait must be?

Patrick's trait for red hair is likely a result of a recessive gene from both parents, meaning that both parents would need to carry the gene for red hair even if they have brown hair. This would allow the gene for red hair to be passed on to Patrick, resulting in his red hair.

If two African American parents have a baby and the mother has kinky hair and the father has more curly hair how will the baby's hair turn out?

It depend who's gene is stronger if you have a sister with kinky hair it dosent mean another one will not have curly hair. did i help?

What is delayed-action gene?

A delayed-action gene is a type of gene that is expressed after a certain period of time has passed or when triggered by specific environmental conditions. This gene regulation allows organisms to respond to changing conditions by activating or deactivating certain genetic functions at a specific time.

To have blond hair do both of your genes have to be for blond hair?

Not necessarily. Hair color is determined by multiple genes, so it is possible for someone to have blond hair even if not all their genes code for blond hair. Other factors, such as gene expression and the interaction of different genes, can also influence hair color.

What gene determine a man's hair?

The gene that determines a man's hair is on the x chromosome.

If a baby goat received dominant gene for curly hair from one parent and recessive gene for straight hair from the other which trait will the baby goat display?

The baby goat is likely to display the dominant trait for curly hair, as the dominant gene overrides the recessive gene. Therefore, the baby goat will have curly hair.

Why does a child have red hair when both parents have brown and no history of red hair in family?

Red hair is a recessive genetic trait, meaning that both parents can carry the gene for red hair without expressing it themselves. If both parents carry the gene, there is a chance that their child may inherit those genes and express red hair. This can happen even if there is no recent history of red hair in the family, as the gene can be passed down through multiple generations without being expressed.

What is the hairy gene from the y-linked gene?

hair in the ears

Do phones have hair?

no! tazmeen is a dombo she thinks that phones have hair!