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If you suddenly let go of the rope, the brick will move in a direction tangent to the circle at that point. The only cause of circular motion is centripetal force which is tension of string or indirectly force of hand in this case. As soon as you vanish it, no circular motion is possible and projectile motion is performed.

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3w ago

The brick will travel in a tangent path to the circle it was previously moving in when you let go of the rope, due to its inertia. This tangent path will continue until gravity pulls the brick downward, causing it to follow a parabolic trajectory until it eventually hits the ground.

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Q: You tie a brick to the end of a rope and whirl the brick around you in a horizontal circle Describe the path of the brick after you suddenly let go of the rope?
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What does the shape of an ellipse describe to us?

The path of an object in orbit around another object. It's a "conical section", shaped like a circle, but "flattened" in one direction (a circle can be considered a special case of an ellipse). An ellipse has two focal points.

How would a planet move if the sun suddenly disappeared explain?

The 'pull' of the sun makes the Earth go around it. It can be compared with you holding a string with a piece of stone attatched to the end. If you start 'moving' the stone (as the Earth does) the movement will take the form of the stone speeding in a circle. That is caused by you exercising - through the string - a gravity-like 'pull' on the stone. If the sun suddenly would disappear, the same thing would happen as when you, spinning the stone around on your string, would suddenly 'disappear' and so let go of the string. The stone then would fly away in a straight line in the direction it was going when you released the string. In the same manner, the Earth would immediately stop speeding around in a circle and fly off in a straight line.

What is the unit used to measure distances around a circle?

Radian is the unit used to measure distances around a circle. It is defined as the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle.

What is the etymology of Cyclone?

The word "cyclone" comes from the Greek word "kyklon," which means "moving in a circle." It is used to describe a system of winds that spiral around a central point.

What words mean to move in a circle around something?

To move in a circle around something is called revolving. To move around the same point is called rotation. To move around another stationary object is called orbiting. The earth rotates on its own axis while also orbiting around the sun.

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In a pedigree:=a square means male, a circle means female, an unshaded circle means that doesn't have traits and a shaded square means has traits.==the horizontal line describe that they are parents and vertical line describes that they are the offspring of that parents.=

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How do you get a perpendicular line?

To make perpendicular lines, draw a horizontal line. Then using a compass or tracing around the edge of a curved object, draw one circle ( or just a semi-circle) so that it crosses the horizontal straight line in at least one point. Now rotate the compass or move the curved object to draw another circle (or semi-circle). This second circle (or semi-circle) must cross through the horizontal straight line as the first one did. It also must cross through the first circle (or semi-circle) at two points- above the horizontal straight line and below the horizontal straight line. Next, draw a straight line from where the two circles (or semi-circles) meet above the horizontal straight line through to where they meet below the horizontal straight line. You now have a line perpendicular to the first line.

What does horizontal lines directly connecting a circle and square represent in a pedigree diagram?

The circle and the square are the two parents.

What does a circle on a stick with a straight horizontal bar across the top mean?

Do u mean a circle with a horizontal bar at the bottom? if is then that's a CARTOUCHE. .

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A woman that is pregnant.

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square , circle , rectangle

What is the cross section of a structural dome most simiar to?

If horizontal, a circle. If vertical, a semi-circle.

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A red circle with a white horizontal line means no entry. this means the road only goes in 1 dirrecdtion.