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No, you would not, because the Sun's rays would heat you up. The temperature you would reach depends on how much of that heat is absorbed and how much is re-radiated, so it depends entirely on the nature of the body at that point.

It's impossible to give space a temperature anywhere, because there is nothing in a piece of space that could possess temperature.

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Q: Would you freeze in space close to the sun?
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What is the important of the sun in the solar system?

It's basic. No Sun - no solar system.. That is not just a piece of word-play, what I mean is that without the Sun's gravity all the planets would just fly off into outer space, where they would freeze over and become dead.

Would we lose gravity if there no sun?

First we would freeze to death

What makes the sun more important than other star?

Well to us the Sun is probably more important than other stars because it is the reason we are alive. If the Sun just vanished into thin air tomorrow we would all be dead, the Earth would freeze and all the planets would be stranded in space.

What would it do if earth didn't have a sun?

The Earth Would Freeze becuase the Sun is the Earth's Light and Heat source.

What will happen if there was no sun or moon in the world?

you would freeze and die-what else do u think???

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What would happen to life on earth if you were any further from the sun?

where space is so cold the earth would freeze

What would happen if the earth did not orbit the sun?

If the Earth did not orbit the Sun, it would travel off into space in a straight line due to inertia. This would disrupt the balance of gravitational forces in the solar system, potentially affecting the orbits of other planets as well. Ultimately, Earth would freeze in the cold vacuum of space without the Sun's warmth and light.

Where can I find close-up pictures of the sun?

The best place to find close up images of the sun would be on a site such as NASA. The site has images taken when space shuttles were in space and shots taken were as close as possible.

Would you freeze if there was no sun?

Without the sun, the Earth's temperature would drop significantly. While humans would not freeze instantaneously, the lack of sunlight would eventually lead to much colder temperatures making survival challenging without proper warmth and resources.

If a space probe were sent into orbit around sun that brought it as close as 0.5 AU to sun and as far as 5.5 AU what would is orbital period be?

The orbital period of the space probe can be calculated using Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which states that the square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the orbit. Given that 0.5 AU represents the perihelion and 5.5 AU represents the aphelion, the semi-major axis would be the average of these two distances (3 AU). Therefore, the orbital period of the space probe would be approximately 5.2 Earth years.

Why does the sun not twinkle like other stars?

The sun does not twinkle like other stars because it is much closer to Earth and much larger in size. The twinkling of stars is caused by the Earth's atmosphere distorting the light as it passes through, but the sun's proximity and size minimize this effect, resulting in a stable and constant brightness.

Does the Sun work?

If the Sun didn't work you would freeze to death.

What happens to the human body when you enter space?

1. The intense negative pressure causes blood vessels to rupture. 2. The rays from the sun will cause radiation poisoning 3. You would freeze to death, as it is very close to 0 degrees Kelvin (absolute zero)

What would happened if there was no sun on earth?

Without the sun, the Earth would lose its primary source of energy and warmth. This would cause temperatures to drop drastically, leading to freezing conditions and making it impossible for most life forms to survive. Additionally, photosynthesis, which is vital for plants and oxygen production, would cease, ultimately leading to the collapse of entire ecosystems.

What have space crafts discovered on Mercury?

Spacecrafts studying Mercury have revealed a variety of fascinating findings. Some notable discoveries include its heavily cratered surface, presence of water ice in permanently shadowed craters, a large iron core contributing to its strong magnetic field, and extreme temperature variations with highs of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the earth falls clear out of the sky what is going to happen?

The earth is held in its orbit due to the gravitational effect of the sun. Were the sun to lose its gravity, the earth would fly off into space and quickly freeze.

What is the important of the sun in the solar system?

It's basic. No Sun - no solar system.. That is not just a piece of word-play, what I mean is that without the Sun's gravity all the planets would just fly off into outer space, where they would freeze over and become dead.