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No, you would not because that would be something very rare, even for an excavation site to ever find.

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1mo ago

Yes, it is possible to find dinosaur fossils in rocks that are 250 million years old because dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic Era, which began around 252 million years ago. Fossils of early dinosaurs or their relatives could potentially be found in rocks from this time period.

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Q: Would you find dinosaur fossils in a rock that is 250 million years old?
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Would you expect to find dinosaur bones in a rock that was 250 million years old?

No. Dinosaurs did not appear until aout 230 million years ago. You could, however, still find fossils of other animals.

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The Chadron Formation in the Badlands contains reptile fossils, but no dinosaur fossils. This layer dates back to the Eocene epoch, about 34 to 56 million years ago, making it too recent for dinosaur fossils which are typically older.

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Dinosaurs existed 65.5 million years ago. Back then, a day was about 23 hours. Saying that an average day between modern times and the dinosaur age was 23.5 hours, and a year is 365.25 x 24 hours, then the dinosaurs died out about 24,431,500,000 days ago.

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NoAnswer:At the present time no dinosaur fossils have been found in Virginia, However the coal beds and limestone rocks exhibit dinosaur tracks and other trace fossils which indicate their presence in the Triassic period (220 million years ago)

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Triceratops fossils have been found from 68 to 65 million years ago, and they were one of the types of dinosaurs to witness the dinosaur extinction event. Recently, scientists have realized that Torosaurus, another dinosaur very similar to Triceratops, may actually have belonged to the Triceratops genus. If that is the case, Triceratops would have lived from 70 to 65 million years ago.

Did mammals appear in the fossil record after dinosaurs became extinct?

No, mammals lived alongside dinosaurs and their earliest known fossils of about 200 million years old are almost contemporary with the early dinosaur fossils.

Where was the Amargasaurus fossils been found?

Amargasaurus fossils have been found in Patagonia, Argentina. This dinosaur species lived during the Early Cretaceous period, approximately 130 million years ago.

Where does a muttaburrasaurus live?

Muttaburrasaurus was an herbivorous dinosaur that lived between 100 and 98 million years ago. Their fossils have been found in Australia. It is known from the second most complete dinosaur skeleton found in Australia.

What type of dinosaur had longest reign?

Fossils of the primitive ceratopian Psittacosaurus have been found throughout the entire Early Cretaceous, a duration of 45 million years.

How old are dinosaur fossils?

Dinosaur fossils are typically millions of years old, dating back to the Mesozoic Era, which spanned from around 252 to 66 million years ago. Scientists determine the age of dinosaur fossils by using various dating methods like radiometric dating and stratigraphy.

Did dinosaurs come 250 million years before man?

Answer:The age of the oldest dinosaur fossils is some 250 mllion years ago based on radioactive dating. The age of the oldest human fossils is about 400,000 years, going back to 4 million years if you include proto-humans like Lucy. Dinosaurs had their day and died out some 70 million years ago, so there was no opportunity for Flintstone like interactions between the two species.AnswerNo, because the first dinosaur was 230 mya, and the first people were in the last 5 million years of prehistory. Do the math.