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Q: Would you expect children with the same two parents to have the same sets of chromosomes?
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What chromosomes would you expect to find in a female?

In a typical female, you would expect to find two X chromosomes. These chromosomes determine the individual's biological sex as female.

How much parental involvement do you expect or want?

Lack of parental involvement would be parents that pay little attention to their children

Certain type of diploid cell contains 58 chromosomes How many chromosomes would you expect a gamete of this organism to contain?

A gamete would be haploid, containing half the number of chromosomes compared to a diploid cell. Therefore, a gamete of this organism would be expected to contain 29 chromosomes.

How do genes and chromosomes effect your development?

Chromosomes are genes you get from your parents. They affect your physical features and how you grow. Like if your parents were both short, you would get chromosomes deciding if you get their dominate gene (short) or both recessive genes (tall). You have 42 chromosomes when you are born (21 from each parent)

How does not having parents affect children?

the children would miss their parents or they could be homeless on the streets

How many chromosomes 15's would you expect to find in a sperm cell?

One in each cell.

How many chromosomes in total would be in a sperm cell a grasshopper?

If it had 180 chromosomes in it's diploid stage (a normal body cell) you could expect to find 90 in its gametes.

Does every girl grow breasts?

Most do but in case of certain problems with the parents chromosomes (such as having XXX chromosomes), the woman would not grow boobs and be infertile.

What kind of behaviour would you expect from Jewish children?

The exact same behavior you'd expect from non-Jewish children: learning, sharing, avoiding drugs, etc.

Based on this punnett square what percent of children would you expect yo be male?

what is the answer?

Who are the parents of a nephew?

The parents of a nephew are your siblings (a brother or a sister).

How many chromosomes will a hybrid have by crossing two somatic cells?

If both parents were diploid, then it would be tetraploid (4X).