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A natural ecosystem would have greater biodiversity than a human-made ecosystem. This is because in a human made ecosystem, everything is controlled and monitored, such as on a farm or in a garden. In a natural ecosystem, the plants, animals, and insects are allowed to flourish as they will, leaving greater room for naturally occurring diversity.

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1mo ago

You would expect to find greater biodiversity in a natural ecosystem compared to a human-made ecosystem like a farm or garden. Natural ecosystems have evolved over time to support a wide variety of species and interactions, whereas human-made ecosystems are often more simplified and managed for specific purposes, which can lead to lower biodiversity.

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Q: Would you except to find greater biodiversity in natural ecosystem or human-made ecosystem such as farm or a garden explain your answer?
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What are the function and benefits of biodiversity?

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms in an ecosystem. It provides essential ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, pollination, and pest control. Biodiversity also increases ecosystem resilience and helps to maintain overall ecosystem health.

How do humans benefit from biodiversity-?

Biodiversity is important because it gives us the variety in our lives and shows us how people, plants and animals are all different even if they all live in the same environment. Biodiversity describes the different life forms found within an ecosystem. It is a measure of the health of an ecosystem and greater biodiversity implies greater health. See the related links for more information.

What is a increasing biodiversity?

Speciation and extinction increase biodiversity.

Why is more biodiversity better?

More biodiversity is better because it ensures ecosystem resilience, providing a buffer against environmental changes such as climate change or disease outbreaks. Biodiversity also allows for a greater variety of resources and ecosystem services to be available, benefiting humans and other species. Additionally, diverse ecosystems are often more productive and stable over time.

How does the biodiversity of ecosytems affect their sustainability?

Higher biodiversity in ecosystems typically leads to increased stability and resilience. Greater species diversity can enhance ecosystem functioning and productivity, making it easier for the ecosystem to adapt to changes and disturbances. It also ensures that essential ecological functions, such as nutrient cycling and pest control, are maintained.

Related questions

What are the function and benefits of biodiversity?

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms in an ecosystem. It provides essential ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, pollination, and pest control. Biodiversity also increases ecosystem resilience and helps to maintain overall ecosystem health.

How do humans benefit from biodiversity-?

Biodiversity is important because it gives us the variety in our lives and shows us how people, plants and animals are all different even if they all live in the same environment. Biodiversity describes the different life forms found within an ecosystem. It is a measure of the health of an ecosystem and greater biodiversity implies greater health. See the related links for more information.

What is a increasing biodiversity?

Speciation and extinction increase biodiversity.

Why is more biodiversity better?

More biodiversity is better because it ensures ecosystem resilience, providing a buffer against environmental changes such as climate change or disease outbreaks. Biodiversity also allows for a greater variety of resources and ecosystem services to be available, benefiting humans and other species. Additionally, diverse ecosystems are often more productive and stable over time.

How does the biodiversity of ecosytems affect their sustainability?

Higher biodiversity in ecosystems typically leads to increased stability and resilience. Greater species diversity can enhance ecosystem functioning and productivity, making it easier for the ecosystem to adapt to changes and disturbances. It also ensures that essential ecological functions, such as nutrient cycling and pest control, are maintained.

How does biodiversity affect humans?

Biodiversity is essential for our well-being as it provides us with food, clean air, water, and resources for medicine. A diverse ecosystem is more resilient to environmental changes and can help mitigate the impact of climate change. Biodiversity also contributes to cultural and recreational values, enriching our quality of life.

What are the three values of biodiversity?

The three values of biodiversity are ecological value (maintaining ecosystem function and stability), economic value (providing resources for industries such as agriculture and pharmaceuticals), and intrinsic value (acknowledging the inherent worth of all species).

The most different type of organisms the greatest diversity?

The more different types of organisms present, the greater the biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in a particular area, including differences in species, genetics, and ecosystems. A diverse ecosystem is more resilient and better able to adapt to changes in the environment.

What can you conclude about a ecosystem with many trophic levels?

it is a stable ecosystem

How greater biodiversity leads to population stability?

Greater biodiversity leads to population stability by providing a larger variety of species, each with their own unique ecological roles and interactions. This increases the resilience of ecosystems to disturbances and ensures that the loss or decline of one species does not have a catastrophic impact on the entire ecosystem. Additionally, biodiversity can contribute to the availability of resources and the regulation of ecological processes, creating stable conditions for populations to thrive.

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