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Gold has a crystalline structure.

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Q: Would the molecular organization of pure gold be amorphous if no impurities were present.?
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When fuels burn what element present in the impurities in a fossil fuel may produce sulfur dioxide?

Sulfur is the element present in impurities in fossil fuels that can produce sulfur dioxide when the fuel burns.

What is the molecular formula of the principal molecular or ionic species present in glucose?

It is a molecular species with the formula C6H12O6

What may happen to the boiling point of a substance if there are impurities present. Explain in terms of the nature of impurities.?

The boiling point of a substance may increase if impurities are present. This occurs because impurities disrupt the regular arrangement of particles in the substance, making it harder for the substance to change phases. As a result, more heat is needed to overcome these disruptions, leading to an elevation in the boiling point.

What is void in amorphous material?

In amorphous materials, voids refer to spaces or gaps within the material where there is no solid substance present. These voids can affect the material's properties like strength and density, and can also impact its thermal and electrical conductivity. Understanding and controlling voids is important in the processing and performance of amorphous materials.

A simple economic way to clean water?

boiling of water kills the impurities present in it

What may happen to the boiling point of a substance if there are impurities present?

The boiling point won't decrease

Why is chlorine added to swimming pool water?

So that to precipitate the ionic impurities present in water

What impurities are present in iron ore?

Common impurities found in iron ore include silica, alumina, phosphorus, and sulfur. These impurities can affect the quality of the iron produced during the smelting process and need to be minimized through various beneficiation techniques.

What is a white colourless mineral often tinted with impurities?

The white colorless mineral often tinted with impurities is quartz. Quartz is a common mineral in the Earth's crust and can be found in various colors depending on the impurities present, but its purest form is colorless.

Do impurities in water affect evaporation rate?

Yes, impurities in water can affect the evaporation rate by increasing the boiling point of the water. When impurities are present, more energy is required to overcome the intermolecular forces between the impurities and water molecules, slowing down the rate of evaporation.

Is charcoal a chemical substance?

yes charcoal is simply carbon. Though other impurities may be present.

Is sugar in a bowl a pure substance?

No, sugar in a bowl is not a pure substance. Sugar is a compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms arranged in a specific molecular structure. As a result, sugar in a bowl is a mixture of pure sugar crystals and any impurities present.