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No. Prediction by witchcraft/palm reading/talking with spirits are all connected with Black magic and will ruin a person who goes deeply into this. As evil spirits only run this occult black magic, they will bind the person and ruin his and his family's life.

Lord Jesus Christ says "Do not be afraid". Believe in Him and talk to Him like talking to a Father and He will give you a good future. But you need money if worshipin in a church-often called the 'Bank of God' Fortelling the future is called divinity and is done by a number of dynamics. 3of the most common ones are genetics-statistics-and intuition. Your genes show what you will behave like and look -destiny in chemical form. Now the 2nd shows that a certain amount of things will happen in a given time-and that being the case you know that it is meant to be-mathematics is the language of the cosmos and nothin is by chance-though it appears Intuition is based on sensing that needs no proof-a gut or psychic feelin that's been figured out by the soul

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