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yes it is possible

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1w ago

Yes, it is possible to design a device that can test for both carbon dioxide and hydrogen. One way to do this would be to use sensors that are specifically designed to detect these gases and integrate them into the same device to measure their concentrations separately. The device would need to have distinct sensors for each gas and appropriate data processing capabilities to provide accurate readings.

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Q: Would it be possible to design a device that tested for both carbon dioxide and hydrogen?
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What is sumblimation?

sumblimation is not a word (sorry) but Sublimation is a method of printing that transfers a design into a material or fabric using ink and heat.

How does the design of a human red blood cell fit its function?

The biconcave shape of a red blood cell provides a large surface area for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The lack of a nucleus allows for more space to carry hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen for transport. This design enables efficient nutrient exchange and oxygen delivery throughout the body.

How fast can a car go using a hydrogen generator and nothing else?

A car using a hydrogen generator as its sole source of fuel may not necessarily have a higher top speed compared to traditional engines. The speed would depend on various factors like the engine design, weight of the car, aerodynamics, and power output of the hydrogen generator. However, hydrogen fuel cells are known for providing instant torque and could potentially improve acceleration compared to gasoline engines.

What branch would manufacturing nylon which contains carbon be in?

The branch that would typically handle manufacturing nylon containing carbon is the chemical engineering branch, specifically within materials science. This field focuses on the design and production of materials with specific properties, such as strength and flexibility, which is relevant in the production of nylon with carbon additives.

Can an astronaut go to mars?

It's technically possible. But right now, there is no program, research, design, budget, funding, or planning going on to make it happen.

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We need to move to electric motors, or perhaps nuclear powered engines. Neither of these would emit carbon dioxide. At present the best way to store electricity is in batteries, which are heavy. If we have a breakthrough in electricity storage, then electric planes might be possible.A:HOTOL 1984 till now. There were plans for an air breathing aircraft, by Rolls Royce. The engine was technically a liquid hydrogen/ liquid oxygen design. However this vehicles funding ceased. New developments in this technology are not dead yet.Look for HOTOL on the web if you are interested in no CO2s.You can reduce the carbon emmisions caused by planes by maby having lighter planes that are smaller and hold less passengers e.g. sending out more flights but holding less passengers and luggage.Less people on board ?By growing more and more trees to absorb the carbon from the atmosphere.By using trains and buses where possible rather than planes.By developing aircraft engines that have a much lower carbon footprint that at present.

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What is sumblimation?

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