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Ice is more brittle than wood because it is a crystalline structure with weak intermolecular bonds, making it easily breakable when subjected to force. Wood, on the other hand, is a fibrous material with more flexibility and resistance to breakage due to its complex structure and composition.

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Q: Would ice or wood be more brittle?
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Related questions

What is heavier ice or wood?

Ice is heavier than wood because ice is denser than wood. This means that a given volume of ice will weigh more than the same volume of wood.

What is causing the totem poles to fall apart?

Rain water is absorbed by the wood. During winter, the ice freezes and expands, cracking the wood. During the summer, the sun dries out the wood, making it brittle.

Would an ice block or a wood block slide down a hill faster?

An ice block would slide down a hill faster than a wood block due to its lower friction coefficient with the surface. Ice has a smoother surface compared to wood, allowing it to glide more easily down the hill.

Does freezing rain make metal brittle?

No, freezing rain has no effect on metal itself. It may appear brittle because ice is obviously brittle. But you can smash the ice off and the metal will be fine.

Is water brittle?

No, water is not brittle. Brittle materials are prone to breaking or shattering under applied stress, while water is a liquid that can flow and change shape easily.

Does wood float on ice?

it depends on the thickness of the ice and the weight of the wood i mostly depends

Is ice lighter than balsa wood?

Yes, ice is lighter than balsa wood. Ice has a lower density than balsa wood, which means that it weighs less for the same volume.

Does wood melt ice?

unless the wood is hot/warm, it most likely not melt the ice.

How do they change the united center floor from wood to ice?

They put wood on top of the ice loser!

If ice is place on wood how long will it take to melt?

It would take longer because wood is an insulator, but it all depends on how much energy is absorbed by it's surroundings. If it's warm out, more energy can be used to melt the ice, if it is colder, then vice versa. If it is below freezing outside, then obviously it won't melt.

Elements that are brittle and dull are?

Elements that are brittle and dull are likely to be nonmetals. Nonmetals tend to have brittle, dull properties compared to metals which are typically malleable and lustrous. Examples of brittle and dull elements include carbon in the form of graphite and sulfur.

When was Bob Wood - ice hockey - born?

Bob Wood - ice hockey - was born on 1930-07-09.