Yes, "breaker" includes the word "break" which is related to "breakable." There is no direct connection between "breathe" and "breaker."
A 15 amp breaker is not sufficient for a 225 amp load. You would need a breaker that matches the load current, such as a 225 amp breaker. Using a 15 amp breaker for a 225 amp load would cause the breaker to trip immediately due to overcurrent.
In North America this size breaker could be used on a welding machine. A range in the home would use a 40 amp two pole breaker.
The formula you are looking for is I = W/E.
To run a 500 watt 240 volt heater, you would need a 2.08 amp breaker. This can be calculated by dividing the wattage by the voltage (500W / 240V = 2.08A). You would typically round up to the nearest standard breaker size, which in this case would be a 3 amp breaker.
Generally circuit breaker is not designed to trip off in the event of lightning. The system has lightning arrestors which reroute the lightning effect to earth instantly. If there are no lightning arrestors then the equipment are likely to fail upon a lightning strike.
The verb form of "breakable" would be "break."
Yes acrylics can be very brittle indeed and in fact usually are. They would need quite a lot of plasticizer adding for them to be less brittle and breakable.
you would put on the parcel fragile
Yes, it would appear that one side of the main is open at the fuse, breaker, drop conductors, or transformer.
because they are not as breakable.
No, as there is no air in a vacuum you would not be able to breathe
To be brittle is to be hard and breakable. An example sentence would be: The older she got, the more brittle her bones seemed to be.
People breathe out because we need to breathe fresh air, and if we kept the same air in our bodies it would not be fresh after a while, and we would die.
I would think they breathe with there mouth underwater.
The voltage before the breaker is from the distribution panel's buss bars. This voltage is controlled by the panel's main breaker. To have no voltage on the terminal of the breaker means that either the breaker is shut off or it has gone into a trip position. If it has tripped push the handle of the breaker to the off position and then to the on position. This should reset the breaker. If the voltage is not present at the output terminal of the breaker after resetting it, then replace the breaker as it has a fault in it.
A 15 amp breaker is not sufficient for a 225 amp load. You would need a breaker that matches the load current, such as a 225 amp breaker. Using a 15 amp breaker for a 225 amp load would cause the breaker to trip immediately due to overcurrent.