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Yes, Atom would.

Atoms try their best to have their outermost electron orbital filled. Most elements, with the exception of the lightest few, will do this by achieving eight valance electrons (the lightest few need only two, due to the first orbital shell being much smaller). Most atoms (all but the noble gasses) can do this by ionizing (shedding or gaining electrons), but this gives them a charge which also makes the atom "unhappy". Only though bonding with other ions to form larger molecules can an atom have a neutral state and a full electron orbital.

This state towards which all atoms strive is the state in which the noble gasses exist naturally.

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13y ago
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3w ago

Atoms do not have desires or preferences like living beings. Atoms in general tend to stabilize by achieving a full outer electron shell, similar to the noble gases, in order to become more stable and less reactive.

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15y ago

Because they want to be happy, since that noble gases' valence electron is always full.

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11y ago

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals / energy levels. They generally have 8 valence electrons (helium has only 2) and have stable electronic configuration.

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13y ago

To put it generally, atoms are the most stable with a noble gas configuration (8 valence electrons).

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15y ago

they want to have a full electron shell

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Q: Would atom like to be like the Noble Gases?
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