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If the planet is smaller, then it can't have the same size.

If you assume that a smaller planet has the same density as Earth (and therefore less mass), its surface gravity will be smaller.

If you assume that a smaller planet has the same mass as Earth (and therefore more density), its surface gravity will be greater. This is because we would be closer to the planet's center - or to the planet's matter in general.

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āˆ™ 13y ago
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āˆ™ 4w ago

No, the gravitational force experienced on the surface of a planet is determined by both its mass and radius. A smaller planet with the same shape and size as Earth would have less mass, which would result in weaker gravity compared to Earth.

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Q: Would a smaller planet than earth with the same shape and size have more gravity?
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Well you would need to know the force of Gravity on the surface of Planet A to answer this. The equation to use would be 5 multiplied by the force of gravity on Planet A = the weight in kilograms. So if Gravity on planet A was twice that on Earth then it would weigh 10Kg and if it was 1/2 that on Earth it would weigh 2.5 kg.