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This is a filthy question! A population with exponential growth soon becomes basically out of control and cannot therefore be controlled in the longer term, but in the short term:

- IF sufficient controls have already been put into place by the leadership

(eg through nepotism with, preferably, talentedrelatives, and through the the principle of "it's not what you know but who you know" for others)

-If the people know their place;

-If the people have a person and/or organization to look up to and admire;

-It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that social measures be put in place and be already running to look after the people who are disadvantaged economically and socially when things take off and they are left behind.

All of these above social measures, among others, are typified by that country's justice and prison system. It is important to have a good prison system to remove from society those who prey on and take advantage of others. They have to be removed from disadvantaging society. This includes not just criminals, but rebels, revolutionaries, political and religious extremists, and removing from power those who threaten your own. Accordingls, this means:

(i) there must be a fair and honest judicary and police system, which means no nepotism here,

(ii) Swift hearing of criminal cases;

(iii) Speed in sentencing and limited appeals: (if a person is obviously guilty appeals should be dis-allowed.)

(iv) Consideration of the impact of the crime on the victim;

(v) Restitution by criminal to victim and society (eg sale of assetts to victim, and then working for victim for free to pay off social debt.

(vi) Remove any psychological reasons to be used for the commission of any crime: if a person is sick then they are sick and should be removed from and quarantined from society until they are well, and then be charged with the same crime again.

(vii) Introduction or Re-introduction of the death penalty, and not being afraid to use it for certain specified crimes: there are some crimes so heinous that the perpetrator should not be allowed to live.

(viii) The bodies of those executed to be given to Science or to Medicine: they may as well be of use to someone!

It is important that all of these are up and running satisfactorally before growth starts to really accelerate and take off, that everyone knows it, and that everyone thinks their country is the best in the whole wide world.

With all that above said and done, since the lifetime for all No.1 civilizations throughout history has only been an average of about 230 years [eg Rome; Britain; USA; , China in history] so the above country with exponential growth will only last for about two centuries anyway before it collapses from inward pressures, let alone from outward threats.

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A population with exponential growth would experience more competition due to the rapid rate at which individuals are reproducing and seeking limited resources. This would lead to increased competition for resources such as food, territory, and mates, putting pressure on individuals within the population.

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What is population growth called when resources are not limited?

Population growth is referred to as exponential growth when resources are not limited, as the population can continue to increase at an accelerating rate.

What would exponential growth of organism would eventually lead to?

Exponential growth of an organism would eventually lead to a rapid increase in its population, exceeding the carrying capacity of its environment. This could lead to resource depletion, competition for food and space, and increased vulnerability to diseases or predators. Ultimately, it may result in a population crash or die-off.

Is a population that is experiencing exponential growth fast or slow?

A population that is experiencing exponential growth is typically fast. Exponential growth refers to a constant growth rate where the population size increases exponentially over time. This means that the population doubles at a regular interval, leading to a rapid increase in numbers.

Why does a population that experiences exponential growth have a high chance of having a population crash?

A population that experiences exponential growth can rapidly outstrip its resources, leading to overpopulation and competition for limited resources. This can result in a population crash when resources are depleted, leading to a sharp decline in population size. Additionally, high population densities can also facilitate the spread of diseases and increase vulnerability to environmental fluctuations, further contributing to a potential population crash.

Difference between logistic and exponential growth?

Logistic growth levels off as it reaches carrying capacity due to limited resources, while exponential growth continues to increase without limit. Logistic growth is seen in populations that are influenced by factors like competition and limited resources, whereas exponential growth occurs when resources are abundant and population grows unrestricted.

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When can exponential growth?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

When can exponential happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

When exponential growth happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

Population increase where the rate of growth stays the same but numbers increase at an accelerating rate?

This pattern is typical of exponential growth, where the population size increases by a constant proportion each year. Initially, the absolute increase will be small, but as the population grows, the rate of increase will become more significant. Over time, this can lead to a rapid growth in population numbers.

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An exponential growth curve represents a pattern of growth where the rate of growth is proportional to the current size of the population or system. This leads to rapid and continuous acceleration in growth over time. Examples include bacterial growth in a petri dish or compound interest in finance.

Over the history of the human population the average increase rate of populations?

C. exponential

What would exponential growth of organism would eventually lead to?

Exponential growth of an organism would eventually lead to a rapid increase in its population, exceeding the carrying capacity of its environment. This could lead to resource depletion, competition for food and space, and increased vulnerability to diseases or predators. Ultimately, it may result in a population crash or die-off.

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The population will decrease-- APEX

Is a population that is experiencing exponential growth fast or slow?

A population that is experiencing exponential growth is typically fast. Exponential growth refers to a constant growth rate where the population size increases exponentially over time. This means that the population doubles at a regular interval, leading to a rapid increase in numbers.

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Population growth is the term used to describe a constant increase in the number of individuals within a population over a specific period of time.