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The wind erodes rocks by battering other small rock particles against them, like the action of sandblasting.

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1mo ago

Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the size of sand particles or smaller. These smaller particles are easily carried by the wind and can wear down larger rocks through abrasion over time.

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9y ago

Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the size of sand or smaller. Wind erosion often is evident in areas where there are few plants to hold soil in place.

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Q: Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the size of what particles or smaller?
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When weathering grinding wind ice and water break rocks down into smaller pieces what are the smaller pieces called?

The smaller pieces formed due to weathering are called sediment or particles. These can range in size from tiny clay particles to larger sand-sized grains, depending on the intensity of the weathering process.

What happens to large pieces of mud over time?

Large pieces of mud will break down and disintegrate over time due to weathering processes such as erosion, water flow, freeze-thaw cycles, and biological activity. As the mud particles get smaller and smaller, they may eventually turn into smaller sediment particles like silt or clay.

How the size of particles affect the way the particles dissolve?

Smaller particles have a larger surface area compared to larger particles, allowing them to dissolve more quickly because more solvent can come in contact with them. This increased surface area also means that smaller particles have more opportunities for interactions with the solvent, leading to more effective dissolution compared to larger particles. Therefore, smaller particles generally dissolve faster than larger particles.

What is The formation of large rocks from particles of sediment that occurs as pressure is applied?

What is the process in which rocks ate broken down into smaller pieces by ice, water

Abrasion caused by particles in water is a type of what?

Abrasion caused by particles in water is a type of physical weathering, where rocks are broken down into smaller pieces through mechanical processes like grinding and wearing down by abrasive particles.

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Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the size of particles or smaller?

Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the size of sand or smaller. Wind erosion often is evident in areas where there are few plants to hold soil in place.

Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are the size of what?

Sand grains or smaller.

Wind mostly erodes pieces of rock that are what size?

the size of a sand grain or smaller

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This process is called erosion. Water erodes rock through processes like abrasion and attrition, breaking down the rock into smaller pieces that can be carried away by the water.

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Large pieces of mud will break down and disintegrate over time due to weathering processes such as erosion, water flow, freeze-thaw cycles, and biological activity. As the mud particles get smaller and smaller, they may eventually turn into smaller sediment particles like silt or clay.

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