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Almost all seeds will still be viable within one year if stored in cool, dry conditions free from pests. Seeds that last around one year are chives, parsnip, mint, rhubarb, and rosemary. On average, seeds will last 3-5 years. The longest lasting are pumpkin, squash, cucumber, silver beet, some beans and corn.

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4mo ago

It depends on the type of seed and how they have been stored. Some seeds can remain viable for several years if stored properly in a cool, dry place. It's worth trying to germinate them, but don't be discouraged if they don't sprout.

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Yes, sweet basil seeds can germinate in the dark. While some seeds require light to germinate, sweet basil seeds do not have this requirement and can germinate in the absence of light.

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It is because the seed might be too old or you overfed the plant and that is why it did not germinate

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Cells do not germinate. Seeds germinate.

Where plant grow and seeds germinate?

Plants grow from the roots and seeds germinate in the roots as well.

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Would you expect most seeds to need sunlight in order to germinate?

No. Seeds are usually underground when they germinate, no light needed.

How long does it take for a Chinese forget-me-not to grow?

Forget me nots take about a dozen days to germinate. The first year it grows leaves and the second year it will produce flowers.

What happens when seeds don't germinate?

When seeds do not germinate, it can be due to factors such as insufficient water, incorrect temperature, poor soil conditions, old or damaged seeds, or exposure to pests or diseases. In such cases, the seeds may remain dormant or rot instead of sprouting.

Will radish seeds grow in vinegar?

No, radish seeds will not germinate in vinegar.