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yes i think i haven't tried it yet but I'm pretty sure it does.

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1mo ago

Vinegar, lemon juice, and white soda can be effective at removing stains, especially for light and organic stains. The acidity in vinegar and lemon juice helps break down stains, while the carbonation in white soda can help lift off the stain. It's always best to test in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not damage the material.

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Q: Will vinegar lemon juice and white soda get stains out?
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When lemon juice is spilled on floor the floor turns white.why?

The acidity in lemon juice can react with certain types of flooring materials like marble or limestone, causing a chemical reaction that can lighten or discolor the surface, appearing white. This reaction is due to the citric acid in lemon juice breaking down the minerals in the floor, altering its color.

What are some natural cleaning and sanitising agents?

Some natural cleaning and sanitizing agents include white vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and essential oils like tea tree oil or lavender oil. These ingredients can effectively clean and disinfect surfaces without harsh chemicals.

How does one reduce the amount of odor from sweaty gym clothes?

To reduce the amount of odor from sweaty gym clothes one can use a mix of laundry detergent, warm water and lemon juice. White vinegar can also be used to kill the bacteria in the sweat.

What happen when lemon juice falls on shahabad tiles?

If lemon juice falls on Shahabad tiles, it can cause etching on the surface of the tile due to its acidic nature. This can lead to discoloration or dulling of the tile surface. To prevent damage, it's best to clean up spills promptly and avoid acidic substances on Shahabad tiles.

How can you get rid of lime and mineral deposits on your bathroom faucets?

Limescale consists mostly of calcium carbonate, which is insoluble in water. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which reacts with the calcium carbonate to produce calcium acetate, which is soluble in water an easily washes away.

Related questions

How can you Remove bath stains?

Yes. Bleach, white vinegar and lemon juice are often suggested to remove such stains.

Which lighten stains vinegar or lemon juice?

Distilled (white) vinegar can vary in pH. It is usually near 2.5.Lemon juice is more variable, often ranging between a pH of 2.0 and 3.0 depending on the variety of lemon, the growing condirtions,etc.. So, i guess lemon juice is removes stain better than vinegar since its usually much more acidic than vinegar..

What is the substitute for lemon juice?

It depends on the dish. However I use White Balsamic Vinegar as a substitute for Lemon juice in salads.

How do you get the hard water stains off your black sink?

You can remove hard water stains from a black sink by using a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar or lemon juice. Apply the solution to the stains, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub gently with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. Rinse thoroughly with water.

How do you get rid of scale build up in your pool?

White Vinegar (or white wine vinegar) is good along with lemon juice... Anything with acetic acid in.

What if you put too much sugar in tomato sauce?

Add lemon juice or white vinegar. :-)

What can you use as a substitute for sour milk?

i add lemon juice or white vinegar to the milk in the recipe

Which lightens stain better lemon juice or vinegar?

Distilled (white) vinegar can vary in pH. It is usually near 2.5.Lemon juice is more variable, often ranging between a pH of 2.0 and 3.0 depending on the variety of lemon, the growing condirtions,etc.. So, i guess lemon juice is removes stain better than vinegar since its usually much more acidic than vinegar..

What is the best substitute for white wine vinegar in cold potato salad?

white balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, raspberry vinegar, rice wine vinegar, white wine, lemon juice & water mixture, just to name a few.

What can you use instead of white vinegar in salad dressing recipe?

If you are looking to replace white vinegar, any vinegar can be used but it might change the taste or color of the dressing. If you are looking to eliminate vinegar, lemon or lime juice might do well.

Which adic substance peels the skin off of a potato faster?

uhm probably Lemon Juice Or White Vinegar try it !

What would Queen Elizabeth I cover her face with?

a (poisonous, but at the time unknown) mixture of white lead, lemon juice, and vinegar.