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Essentially yes, the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.

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The time at which the sun rises and sets vary from day to day.

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No, it's different everyday.

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Q: Will the sun rise and set ever in the same place in the sky?
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Why does the moon rise and set where it does?

The moon rises and sets due to the Earth's rotation. The moon's position in the sky is also influenced by its orbit around the Earth. The moon rises in the east and sets in the west, similar to the sun, due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis.

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For the same reason that the Sun and the Moon rise and set. That's the result of Earth's rotation.

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No. The Moon tends to rise about 50 minutes later every day.

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You can observe this phenomenon from the moon. Actually, the famous "Earthrise" picture was taken there.

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No, the moon rises in the east and sets in the west, following the same direction as the sun. This is because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis.

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A pretty place (eg. sun set, sun rise, ocean, or a pretty view from an mountain.

Does the sun and moon rise and set becaus of the earth is spinning?

Yes... sort of. The reason for the qualification there is that it's a little more complicated than that, and it partially depends on what you mean by "not spinning". If the Earth were tidally locked with the Sun, the Sun would not appear to rise or set; it would remain in pretty much the same place in the sky. However, in that case the Earth would still be "spinning" ... it's just that its periods of rotation and revolution would be the same. If the Earth were not spinning at all, the STARS would not appear to rise and set, but the Sun would rise and set once (each) per year. The Moon is a separate issue. The fact that the Moon revolves around the Earth means that it will rise and set regardless of whether the Earth spins or not unless the Earth were tidally locked with the Moon. Again, in that case the Earth would be spinning, but each "day" would be about a month long, and the Sun would rise and set 12 or 13 times (each) per year.