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Q: Will sound waves that move from a zone of warmer water into a zone of cooler water will bend toward the cooler water?
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How does sound waves in ocean help dolphins communicate?

When sound originate in the water, the sound waves tend to refract down, toward the cooler water.

Is the equator the warmest part of the ocean?

Ocean water generally gets warmer toward the equator and cooler toward the poles. However, the warmest water is not usually observed directly on the equator itself.

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When water cools and changes to ice does the surrounding air get cooler and warmer?


A convection current that blows wind from the cooler sea toward warmer land during the day?

This process is known as a sea breeze. As the land heats up faster than the water during the day, the air above the land becomes warmer and rises, creating an area of low pressure. This low pressure draws in cooler air from above the sea, resulting in a wind that blows from the cooler sea toward the warmer land.

Which happens during the night beach?

the water is cooler then the land, and air sinks over the water. (apex verified) i picked this on aped, and it was correct.

Will the temperature of water affect how fast the tadpoles will grow into frogs?

Yes, cooler water will have a slower development that warmer water.

Why is it colder in central Europe than by the sea?

The temperature of the oceans in the winter is warmer than the land. This keeps the air warmer in the surrounding area. I live near rivers and a large sound in North eastern North Carolina, US and the temperature at my house can be 5 to ten degrees warmer than the town 10 miles away. The water also helps keep nearby areas cooler in the summer because then the water is generally cooler then the land.

Does warmer air contain less water vapor than cooler air?

No, warmer air can hold more water vapor than cooler air. Warmer air has the ability to hold more water vapor molecules before reaching saturation, while cooler air has a lower capacity for water vapor. This is why we often experience higher humidity levels in warmer climates or during the summer months.

When do sea breeze and land breezes occure?

Sea breeze A sea breeze blows from the sea toward land. During the day the air above the land is warmer than the air above the water. The air rises creating low pressure at the surface of the land . The air above the water moves toward the land. Land breeze A land breeze blows from the land toward the sea. At night the water is warmer than the land. The air above the land is cooler, so it sinks. This creates high pressure at the surface of the land. The air above the land moves toward the water.

What happens during the at the beach?

The water is cooler than the land, and wind blows toward the water

Can float on water?

Of course. Fresh water floats on salt water, warmer water floats on cooler water, and ice floats on any water.