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Q: Will sir issaac newton punish you for breaking the speed of light?
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Related questions

How can light be separated into colors?

Newton showed that light was made up of all the visible colors by breaking it up with a prism.

Who discovered diffraction of light?

Diffraction of light was first observed by Francesco Maria Grimaldi, an Italian scientist, in the 17th century. He noticed that when light passed through a narrow slit, it would spread out and form a pattern of alternating light and dark bands.

In what state light is made up of particle according to newton?

Newton believed that light is made up of particles, period.

Who invented dispersion of light?


What did Isacc newton do for color and light?

Isaac newton was the first one to split white light into its colours using a glass block !

What did Isaac Newton discovered about light?

Isaac Newton discovered that light is composed of a spectrum of colors when passed through a prism, and that white light is actually made up of different colors. He also proposed that light behaves as particles called "corpuscles" or photons.

Who found out that light can be split?

Isac Newton

Who said that light was made of particles?


Who discovered the color of the light?

Isaac newton.

What was Issac Newton the first to demostrate?

Newton was the first to demonstrate that white light was composed of colored lights.

How many time did Isaac Newton try to make light?

Isaac Newton did not try to make light. He described properties relating to light. He explained the colours of the Rainbow and designed the first reflecting telescope.

How did Isaac Newton carried out on the separation of light?
