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Propylene glycol is not an alcohol and should not set off an alcohol monitor. Alcohol monitors typically detect ethanol, the type of alcohol found in Alcoholic Beverages, not other types of alcohols like propylene glycol.

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Q: Will propylene gycol set off an alcohol monitor?
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Can alcohol and water be seperated by physical means?

Sure! It's called distillation and it's done all the time, especially in Kentucky. Alcohol's boiling point is lower than water's is. If you heat an alcohol-water solution to alcohol's boiling point, the alcohol will boil off leaving the water behind.

Will Denatured alcohol set off a breathalyzer?

Denatured alcohol contains methanol, which can be detected by a breathalyzer as it breaks down in the body. However, the amount needed to set off a breathalyzer would be much higher than what is typically found in consumer products. It is still best to avoid consuming any form of alcohol before driving.

How do you separate alcohol from fermented sugar by the process of evaporation and condensation?

The process in which alcohol is separated from fermented sugar is called distillation. In this process, the mixture is heated to the boiling point of the alcohol and the alcohol vaporizes and is then condensed back into a liquid inside of a condenser coil, and then is drawn off into a different container.

Why doesn't a handkerchief burn if you put alcohol in it?

Alcohol has a lower ignition point than fabrics like cotton, so when mixed together, the alcohol burns off quickly before the fabric can catch fire. This phenomenon is similar to how hand sanitizers with alcohol can be flammable yet do not ignite when used on skin.

How do you change your monitor?

To change your monitor, first make sure it is powered off. Then disconnect the cables (HDMI, DisplayPort, power) from your current monitor. Place the new monitor in the desired position, connect the cables, and power it on. Adjust the display settings on your computer as needed.

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How do you turn monitor off?

it depends on what kind of monitor

How do you unlocked OSD locked?

OSD Lock Function: To lock the OSD, press and hold the MENU button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on. To un-lock the OSD - press and hold the MENU button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on.

Where did the monitor sink?

The Monitor sank on Dec.31,1862 off of Cape Hatteras during a storm.

What is singular possessive of monitor?

The plural form for the noun monitor is monitors.

Why my monitor fickles when turned on or it shows a light in the middle of screen when turned off?

why the monitor very light

How can you get your monitor to come out of standby?

Normally there will be a button on the monitor. Switch it off and switch it on again - that should fix it.

Can you run a second monitor off your iMac?

Yes, you can.

How do unlock osd locked on your aoc gloss wide screen LCD monitor?

To un-lock the OSD - press and hold the Left button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on.

What if your Computer's monitor isn't working but the tower is?

Then you need a new monitor...They can be expensive but you can get them off eBay for a fair price.

What does alcohol effect your sports?

When you are intoxicated from alcohol your reaction time might be off and also your judgement of situations, these are both effects from alcohol that could through off your game.

HOW can a computer turn off by itself?

A computer can not turn off by itself. The monitor just turns blank it you leave it. To turn off the computer you have to prees the on button on your computer. If you press the botton on the monitor it is not turning the computer off... just the screen.

what is a viewsonic tv monitor and how does it work?

A viewsonic tv monitor is a computer monitor that can also function as a tv even with the computer off. It works like a regular monitor that can be switched over to a tv at the press of a button.