

Will people visit Mars

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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many people have gone ot mars at Canada. they go to there and back in a matter of years there have been many insodents that ocure in space like explosions and fires in the space shttles and this is a lode of rubbish so dont coppy it

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14y ago

Not yet. Humans have not yet gone to Mars.

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Mariner 4 was the first ship to visit Mars.

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The opportunity that Mars represents for Earth is expansion. It is believed that people from Earth may one day be able to visit or live on Mars. It represents an amazing exploration opportunity.

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The Planet Mars - No.The Mars Bar - Yes; if you visit Scotland, you can even have it deep fried in batter!!!

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There are several places on Earth named "Mars", but humans are yet to visit the planet Mars in person.

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There are no people on Mars, and no astronauts have visited Mars. The Moon, yes, Mars, no.

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