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Q: Will a chemical property of gasoline burn?
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Is gasoline's ability to burn a chemical property?

No it is a chemical property

Is gasoline burning a physical property?

Gasoline burning is a chemical property because it involves a chemical reaction where gasoline is combined with oxygen to produce heat, light, and exhaust gases. This process results in a change in the chemical composition of the gasoline.

Is burning gasoline a property?

No, it is a chemical property

Is gasoline's ability to burn a chemical or physical change?

Neither - but when it does burn it's a chemical change.

Is the ability to burn a chemical property pr physical property?

Chemical Property.

What are chemical and physical properties of gasoline?

Gasoline has various chemical properties (particularly, it burns very well) and its combustion products have other chemical properties (they don't burn as well) but it would not be correct to say that gasoline in any sense BECOMES a chemical property. Chemicals have properties, they don't become properties.

Is the ability to burn is an example of a physical property?

No , it is chemical property .

Is flammable a chemical properties or physical property?

Flammability is a chemical property because when you burn something there is a chemical reaction, therefore a chemical change will occur.

Is an object's ability to burn a physical property?

An objects ability to burn is a chemical property. When you burn something you do not start the fire by changing its appearance so it is a chemical property. Anything that is a physical property is something that changes a substances appearance. A chemical property changes the actual substance.

Is burning leaves a chemical reaction?

Only if you put a chemical on it to burn it. like gasoline for example

Is burning a chemical or physical properties?

Burning is a chemical process. The ability to burn, flammability, is a chemical property.

What are some chemical properties of krypton?

a chemical property for krypton is... it does not burn.