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A white dwarf is the remnant of a star that has fused all the hydrogen and helium in its core, leaving mostly carbon and oxygen nuclei.

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Q: Why would white dwarf stars have less amount hydrogen?
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Related questions

Does a white dwarf star use hydrogen for energy?

No, white dwarf stars do not undergo nuclear fusion like main sequence stars, including our Sun. White dwarf stars are the remnants of low to medium mass stars, and they use stored thermal energy to shine and gradually cool over time.

What is the name for the portion of a stars life cycle when it is using hydrogen for fuel?

white dwarf

What kind of stars form red giants?

when Dwarf Stars run out of hydrogen they form Red Giant stars, then from that they become White dwarf stars when the outer layers shed, forming a planetary nebula.when giant stars or supergiant stars run out of hydrogen they form red supergiant stars

Is a white dwarf considered a main sequence star?

No, a white dwarf is not considered a main sequence star. Main sequence stars are stable stars that are fusing hydrogen into helium in their cores, while white dwarfs are the remnants of low to medium mass stars after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel.

If a white dwarf steals another stars hydrogen what happens?

It becomes a Type Ia supernova [See Link]

Are white dwarf stars young?

No. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star.

Are white dwarf stars always white?

No in the life cycle of a star, a white dwarf can cool and become a black dwarf

How do the life cycle stages of stars differ?

matter in stellar nebula decides the life of star less amount of hydrogen results in average star more amount of hydrogen results in massive star Edit: A very brief summary of the two main star life cycles: Low mass stars (like our Sun): Main Sequence Star, Red Giant, White Dwarf. High mass stars: Main Sequence Star, Red Giant, Supergiant, Supernova, then either a neutron star or a black hole. (Red dwarf stars should just go straight to the white dwarf stage after their time on the Main Sequence.)

The stars in the sky depend on what?

the amount of hydrogen left in their core. when the hydrogen starts to run out, the star will enlarge to a red giant due to the decrease of gravity pulling its surface in towards the core, and then the star will eat itself and become a white dwarf before eventually turning into a black dwarf (i think its called) and becoming virtually nothing.

Does fusion occur in white dwarf stars?

No. A white dwarf is the remnant of a star in which fusion as stopped.

Are there dwarf stars other than red and white like maybe blue?

Yes there are a few more [See related link for more information].--- Main sequence stars -----Red dwarf Yellow dwarfBlue dwarf (hypothetical)--- Degenerate stars --------White dwarf Black dwarf (hypothetical)--- Sub stellar stars -------Brown dwarf.

Is white dwarf a star?

Many stars are white dwarfs.