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The sun moves because not only do the earths orbit the sun,but the sun orbits the planets as well in its own way.What i am talking about is that planets have mass like the sun so the sun is orbiting their mass little by little.

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2d ago

The sun appears to move relative to the planet due to the gravitational forces at play. This motion is a result of the planet's orbit around the sun, causing the sun to "wobble" along with the planet as they both move through space. It creates the illusion that the sun is moving even though its velocity may be considered zero in the context of the planet's orbit.

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Q: Why would the sun move even though its velocity is set a zero when a planet revolves around it?
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Does an artificial satellite rotate in its own axis or does it just revolve around the planet?

An artificial satellite can rotate on its own axis in a motion known as spin stabilization. This rotation helps to control its orientation in space. In addition to rotating on its own axis, the satellite also orbits, or revolves, around the planet it is orbiting.

Does Mercury travel around the Sun faster then the other planets?

Since the planets are all of different mass and distance, the Sun's gravity affects each one differently. The speed of each planet can be faster than others depending on the mass. I'm not sure if it has been recorded though, so I don't know the answer. I would say that it seems to go faster, seeing as how it revolves around the Sun so quickly, but mass might say otherwise in terms of actual speed.

What is an example of constant speed with changing velocity?

An example of constant speed with changing velocity is a car moving in a circular path. The speed of the car remains constant, but the velocity changes because the direction of the car is constantly changing as it moves around the curve.

What is the most unique planet besides earth?

pluto, even though its not a planet, it has to be pluto, why? because its micky mouse's dog:D

Why do the planets seem to move in a zig- zag pattern through the sky after many weeks?

The zig-zag movement of planets in the sky is due to their retrograde motion. This occurs when Earth, while orbiting the Sun, passes another planet in its orbit, making it appear as though the planet is moving backward temporarily.

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Why are some moons not considered planets though they are larger than Mercury?

Even though there are moons that are larger than Mercury, they are not classified as planets because they do not have their own orbit around the sun. They instead orbit around a planet as it revolves around the sun. This type of relationship is easily recognized from our own planet Earth with our own Moon. The Moon circles around us in cycles, hence we see different phases of the moon every night. If the Moon's revolution did not go around us and instead went around the sun, it would probably be classified as a dwarf planet such as Pluto.

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An artificial satellite can rotate on its own axis in a motion known as spin stabilization. This rotation helps to control its orientation in space. In addition to rotating on its own axis, the satellite also orbits, or revolves, around the planet it is orbiting.

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The moon does not revolve around the sun. The moon revolves around the Earth though! kept in orbit by the earth's gravitational pull.

Who played the title role in Alfred Hitchcocks Rebecca?

Nobody. Though the plot revolves around her, the character is deceased.

Do both the earth and moon revolve around the sun?

No, the moon does not revolve around the sun. The Earth does though. You might be getting confused because the moon revolves around the Earth.

What rotates the sun in one day?

Do you mean, "What revolves around the sun in one day?" or do you mean, "What rotates, so that the sun appears to go completely around in one day?" If you mean the second one, the answer is the earth, since our day is defined by what appears as though the sun were making a complete revolution. If you mean the first, I know of nothing that revolves around the sun in one earth day. Mercury, the closest planet, takes about 88 days to do it. Earth takes about a year.

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What planet has over 63 moons?

Jupiter has the most moons, 63 confirmed that are in a stable orbit around the planet. There could be more than this though, which have yet to be discovered.